3 26 watt watt 6500s for veg 2 clones


Well-Known Member
PICS BELOW! Yo all, i got 3 26 watt cfls for veg of 2 clones. 1 clone in a single pot dwc the other in an an experimental rockwool media ebb and flo that i hand water by dipping once a day. I think by its slo root growth comapred to her sisters she is getting 2 much water and not enuf oxygen by that dam absorbent rockwool! lol, that stuff a trick but the more sceince behind it i learn the better i am getting, my best advice is if yu think u need to water it it, dont! rofl. Hehe anyway i am thinking of putting the two in tire mulch dwc, The clones sister and donator (i hate that word mother, wheres the fun in that!) are in a 12 and 12 stae with donator 4 weeks in to flower. I strted the clones in a dwc bubbler hence i think the little topside growth but the huge roots, prob tho that normal. Heres some pics, u guys think that ok for now on the veg? They all like 1500 lumens i think 26 watts! :Later that cab will be a mh hid for clones veg and mothers(donators). pics coming PIC PICS PICS BELOW


Well-Known Member
here the pics enjoy mates. I know that big girl is looking a little off! She a miracle, my first, the one i threw in a kitchen herb pot and forgot and lo and behold something shot up one day as i was making me coffee! I butchered her birth for a few weeks then i got a full set up and some knoweldge. Then to still be a dic i pollinated her so as i might have a seed crop.

