3 1/2 year old compost dry, still good?


Well-Known Member
Quick question, i have some Bu's Malibu Compost, the tan and purple bag with the cow on it. Ive had it for 3 1/2 years, its bone dry now. Wondering if it will still produce a good amount of beneficial microbes if i make a tea with it? I'll use Black Gold EWC, Denali Alaskan Humus, and the Malibu compost. Hi Brix molasses for the bennies food. Thanks for the input. I also have alfalfa meal, and kelp meal too. Keep in mind the EWC and humus is also bone dry and 3 1/2 years old. thanks for your time!
i'd say maybe?, but I've never done that before, so who's to say, but in my mind (purely speculation) the forest gets dry all the damn time and the tress don't die, and the soil MUST have microbials that are drought tolerant.
If it's possible i'd go buy a teensy bit of fresh compost or worm castings make a tea with that, and THEN water all you bone-dry bags.
Keep the kelp and alfalfa meal separate
The humus/organic materal is still there, microbes population is greatly diminished. I'd brew up a heavy EWC tea (or a couple) and start rehydrating. Then it would be a good idea to plant a cover crop in it and get the nutrients cycling.

