2x600W HPS set up in Korea???.. opinions appreciated


Hey guys, It's your boy koko coming to you live from the far east. Recently, I set up a organic soil grow and wanted to see what people thought about the set up.

Right now I have two 600w HPS set up in a 18x18 room which I have divided into two sections ( kinda like South and North Korea) both sections are air tight with a 6" exhaust fan. I plan on using North korea as the vegetative and south korea as the flowering. I'm also going to be supplying the babies with HPS light throughout both the veg and flow stages.

I'm using FFOF for soil for the seedlings and plan on transplanting into a 3 gallon pot with soil mix of in about 2 weeks after I plant the seeds.
25% Pro Mix BX,
25% fox farm happy frog
50 % fox farm ocean forest.
2 table spoons of Happy Frog Fert 6-5-6 /per pot
2 table spoons of Organicare Grow Fert 3-4-3 /per pot

Humidity and temp are fairly good ( 72 - 76 F and LR humidity of 30-40%) we don't get much humidity in the Koreas so I've been supplying excess humidity only for the seedlings. But plan on leaving the humidity at about 20%-30% during the vegetative and flowering stage.

Well that's about it.. I would really appreciate reading some of your comments, improvements that can be made and new methods from the members of RIU! So I can share them with my friend KJI.


Active Member
Best of luck dude i'll be tagging along for the ride!!!!!

Any chance of some pics of your rooms?