2x4x5 grow tent Ac infinity question

I’m looking into my first grow and due to space restrictions I’m maxed out at a 2x4x5 ft tent. I went with the Mars-hydro tsl2000 for lighting. I’m doing a soil grow and have been reading a shit Ton so I’m good with that my current debate is ventilation. And want to keep it not too expensive so I’m gonna get some HEPA filters for the bottom flaps for some passive intake. I want to keep the smell down as much as possible and also the temps. Outside the tent can get up to the 90+ in the summer. I’ve narrowed it down to either the AC INFINITY S4 with 4” carbon filter using controller 67 or ac infinity S6 with 6” carbon filter using controller 67. I plan on only having 1, 90degree turn and 1, 30degree turn throughout the ducting. Max run for the exhaust ducting would be 10 ft going into a different room/outside. I also plan on having, 2-4, 6” oscillating fans. I feel since my tent is only 40 cubic ft why would I need over 200 cfm even with the filter and bends? And will going one size up really cool the tent that much more without destroying the environment? S6 or S4 what will it be folks?
2x4x5 tent here, running the T6 with the upgraded 'Controller 67', filer and short ducting. The 6" is plenty powerful and mine runs at mostly speeds 1, 2 and occasionally 3.

I'd say get a 6" so you don't have to have a 4" running at higher speed. But then again, I'm not that smart of a person lol
2x4x5 tent here, running the T6 with the upgraded 'Controller 67', filer and short ducting. The 6" is plenty powerful and mine runs at mostly speeds 1, 2 and occasionally 3.

I'd say get a 6" so you don't have to have a 4" running at higher speed. But then again, I'm not that smart of a person lol
It’s not too crammed in there?
For what it's worth, I'm running 300W COB LEDs in a 2x4x6.7 Gorilla tent with a 4" Vivosun exhaust fan.
The ducting is about 8 feet straight from the tent through the crawlspace to outside.
Been running the same fan 24/7 for two years and it's still doing it's job.