2ND year growing need some answers please..


:shock: Okay this is my 2nd year growing i only have two plants due to neighboors anyways last year i had problems with spidermites now this year im having problems with thrips i tried neem oil and that dont seem to be working so stressed out i killed like 10 yesterday and 3 today .. what can i do ? some people told me to boil garlic and dish soap but wont the bud taste like garlic? "ITS BUDDING".. I'm try'n to go all natural so the bud will have a good taste.. also next question ants i now have ants all over my plant will the ants hurt it as well? 3rd question someone told me i should take off the big water leafs becuz its taking away from the bud is this true? please help im going insane with thease damm thrips i didnt have them last year but i do now ..i read abt someone using Provado Ultimate Bug Killer and it got rid of all the trips so lost please help thanx..:peace:



Well-Known Member
holy shit thats only 2 plants? is that a 6 foot fence behind? potato peelings are ment to attract them then you just replace with new ones every day,


Read that water on leaves impairs there travel. Google commercial pyrethrum. Apply 2 to 4 timess at 5 to ten day intervals. Read this in Cervantes book. your welcome.:hump:


Thanks everyone ...@robsterb so if i put the patato peeling down the trips will be on the patato peeling instead of my plant? Ans when putting them down do i just put them under the plant? sorry if i sound dumb.. and yes it's only two plants did alot of topping & supercroping and yes the one abt 7feet but thease damm trips i got to get rid of them there driving me crazy!!!


Well-Known Member
yes put the peelings on the soil at bottom of plant and apparently the thrips are attracted to it, ive never tried it though just something ive read.