2nd week flowering White Widow


Well-Known Member
Well actually tuesday is the full second week but I wont be around tommorrow or monday and I know you all love bud porn. She is currently 21.75". I water every other day with kool bloom and molasses. Ph of water with nutes is 6.4-6.6 Everyone say good bye to my little closet. Due to the fact she is out growing it and I need more room I have a 39.5 by 39.5 by 79.5 grow tent on the way. I also purchased two 6" inline fans and the vented hood will be purchased in about a week or two. Is that pot going to be big enough for the rest of the grow? I dont want to get it all root bound again. I dont know if you can tell but how is she coming along for its second week? Also it seems to use a quart of water every other day.. does that sound right?

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Well-Known Member
I pruned the first 2"-3" of the bottom. I did prune some of the bigger fan leaves after about 3 weeks since the died from a root bound plant and over nuting. She's been healthy since.


Active Member
What a sexy bitch :p I love WHITE WIDOW!!! But i would never water every other day, i would make the soil get totaly dry then re water due to the fact you may over water her...


Well-Known Member
Well do you think a quart every other is too much? Last time I waited three days it grew 1" a day the first 2 days and the third day it only got .25" When I've been using a quart of it every other day it seems to grow more.


Active Member
if there is a lot of the water in the tray below then your probably watering her to much but i dont know if there is.


Well-Known Member
No water in the tray ever. I usually feel down about 3". A day after watering 3" down is usually barely moist. Top of soil is dry


Well-Known Member
You dont think I'm over nuting it do you. Like I said I water every other day using kool bloom 2 teaspoons per gallon and molasses 2 tbl per gallon and I use them every watering. Ph 6.4-6.6


Well-Known Member
idk for a big plant like that you might want to get a bigger pot,
i bet anything its root bound,
i have 5 gallon pots and they still root lock


New Member
Oh hellz yeah! I like this! You're doing perfectly my fiend. 2.5 gallons for that is good. Keep it up.