2nd harvest pics.


Well-Known Member



my second harvest . there about 4 n a half oz.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: i hang for nearly two days . then put in a brown paper envrlope, for two more days. im going to put in jars now, it looks fine,
but does it look a bit green?.
how long do i leave in the jars, do i burp the jars, a bit less times every day.
when will it get its proper smell back, it smells better then 2 days ago, but still smells a bit hayey,
will the smell come back or have i done somthing wrong?.
varitey = 2 sk11 and 1 big bang all vagged for 10 weeks in soil under 400 hps.


Active Member
You said they were vegged for 10 weeks? How long were they in flowering? That stuff almost looks like it never flowered. I think that is what you did wrong. YOU CANNOT HARVEST until after it has flowered and produced some buds!


Active Member
Yea after hearing Mr. P say the same thing I am pretty sure that all this is just leaves and stems. These plants were never flowered hence the dirt look of what he is calling bud! Hope you don't plan on getting high off this supply!@?


Active Member
The first harvest!?? I am in serious disbelief wether there was a first harvest. Yes I feel kinda mean too, but the thing is look how many post he has! If you have been on this site that long and posted that long yet still don't know how to properly flower then something is wrong with you. Did you ever ride a bus that was shorter than a soccer mom suburban?


Active Member
If you would smoke that then you my friend would have some hurting lungs! You may even cough one up. Oh, and then ofcourse there is the fact that you would still be stone cold sober!!