2nd Grow LA confedentia


Active Member
I am Starting a new grow journle and this is my 2nd attempt to grow my own meds.I have a 400 watt system with a fogbox and shed I purchased from sunlight sheds and basically found out that teir rez sucks and I had a buddy help me build a fogbox that worked great for my last grow.These babies are all La confedential clones and have been giveing them Foxfarm nuets.All comments and questions will be answered but please be nice I am new to growing and if may babies look good this is all in thanks to you the community and the couple of friends that have me along the way so I would like to thank all of you in advanced.



Active Member
Lookin good man! Any info on the "fog" box? specs? DIY giude? +rep
as soon as I have better bateries in my cam I will take pics and you can see how it is built.There is a company if you type in growfogbox.com he was the one that helped me build mine there is a video on youtube for it.
I have pics on my first grow journle of the fogbox if that helps the thread is"first grow with the caddy".I hope that helps if not I will try to get better pics and help out as much as I can just let me know if you were able
to find the thread and the parts I am missing but this was built for under $100 and has made a huge change on how my plants grew you can see how much of a nueb I am with that thread too LOL.


Active Member
are the clones greenhouse genetics?
I actually clipped these off my buddies plant just before they were going into flower.Here in oregon I have no other way to get clones other than friends I meet.Im not sure if that answers your question if not can you explain greenhouse genetics please.?


Active Member
the mother you got your clones from,are her gentics from a green house seeds "the company" seed? lol
not to my knowledge were these from a company my buddy started out with clones he got from one of his patients.we dont have any companies we can order from so all the bud grown here while it is legal for us patients they dont give us any decent way for us to start growing.no seed banks or coffee shops and none of the people I know order on line.


Active Member
ic..well you do have a pc so u could simply go to a breeder site and order seeds if u wanted to rite?
I have been thinking about doing that but I dont know how safe it is plus being a father of 2 I dont really want any heat comming down on me.My wife would kill me if something screws up and due to a law or something I never heard of that causes to lose our kids I am trying to play it safe I guess you can say


Active Member
smart man! :D if i could get clones i would say the hell with seeds anyways! i was just curious..
IF anyone reading this thread and is around the portland oregon area give me a shout on this subject and see if we can some how find a way to get new patints started.


Active Member
I have been using foxfarm nutes for my veg my buddy has been telling me about advanced nutes and he has offered to give me enough for the flower cycle.Has anyone used both nutes and if so what advice do you guys have for when I switch to flower.