2nd Grow. Is this seed growing the wrong way ?

So this is my 2nd grow now. My White Rhino are coming up to the end and are going well despite all the hassle and stress they have had with me not having the right kit and them getting burnt, and then heat stress etc...

Anyway I decided to start some new ones...

I chose Kalashnikova !

I soaked the seeds in warm water overnight and when I touched them they both sank to the bottom. I put them into Riot Cubes that had been soaked and then covered them and placed them in the Airing cupboard with the boiler in the darkness. 2 days later they both appeared to be pushing out.... So.... I decided to take the cubes and place them into small pots.

I kept them in the Veg tent overnight but still in darkness and the next morning one had pushed right out (as you can see from the pics)


The 2nd one (as you can see from the pics) does not appear to be coming out. It looks kinda like it's the root end that is coming out of the top ? I cannot make out what it is ?

Any ideas on what I should do ?

Also am I right in keeping them in the dark ? Or do they need light at this stage ? They are currently on the windowsill to get a little light as I don't think they are ready for a 300W CFL just yet ?

Thanks for any advice :-)IMAG0336.jpgIMAG0334.jpgIMAG0335.jpgIMAG0332.jpgIMAG0333.jpgIMAG0337.jpg
I think they where a bit to far in the riot cubes, your second one looks like its growing right, but the shell has already fallen off, ( probably due to forcing upwards too much ) im no expert but thats what i think, because your second one is sideways and they usually only get like that if they where put to far into the ground, they always fix themselves towards the light as you know so i dont think youll have any problems, just dont plant so deep next time, and to my understanding Little to no light at this stage is needed, specially because the leaves are so sensitive to light, and since the protective shell is off of the small one id keep it away from light untill its first leaves come out, then start putting it in your windowsill, or if you want use your CFL, but keep it far away for now, ~ Keep it Green,Growin, And Smokin.~


Well-Known Member
The plant in the last photo is fine, don't worry about it, I'm with Commandakush on that; on the window sill out of direct light.
I can't really see the small plant. But looks the same as something I had yesterday. She had broken out of the shell casing but before the first leaves had developed, I just kept her damp and in the dark (mimicking the dark soil) until they had time to, which was only around 12 hours. As soon as I could see recognisable leaves I put her out onto the window sill..
It's a delicate situation, I lost my first plant f%$£ing with it at this stage. Good luck!