2nd day in Flowering Stage , Claw Problem. Pics included. Really need help!


Active Member
Hey guys, my plants were under 150W MH light in vegetative stage and yesterday I switched to 400W HPS for flowering. Im experiencing this problem about 4-5 days I think. I don't know what caused this and how to fix it. Im using GH Flora Series . I was giving 3ml FloraGro , 3ml FloraMicro and 1.7ml FloraBloom per gallon. And currently switched to 2ml FloraGro, 2ml FloraMicro and 2ml FloraBloom for Flowering but didn't watered them with this yet. It looks like nitrogen problem or heat problem. I really need help. Thanks

PS : PH is off the table. I am sure this is not about PH.



Well-Known Member
She looks pretty green. What's the soil ph? Distance of tops to the hps? If you just switched over she may need a few days to get acclimated to the more light. Maybe back it off a few more inches , see if it helps. Why were you feeding bloom nutes during veg? Overall she doesn't look too bad.


Active Member
If you just switched to flower that excess nitrogen should be used up in no time.
Just don't use N for awhile.

It doesn't look that bad. ( The claw )


Active Member
Thanks for replies guys. I just put so much effort to these babies and I panicked about The Claw.

Im following this Nut Schedule from beginning.Just putting a little bit more than Regular Strength.
I don't know the soil's PH :/ Distance of tops to the HPS is about 35 Centimeters ( 13.77 inches ) Thanks for answer, bud :)

Well I was thinking about Heat or Nitrogen Overload too. Thanks man :)

Take a look at my nut schedule image please. Are you suggesting that I shouldn't use FloraMicro (That contains nitrogen) for awhile ? Thanks bud :)


Well-Known Member
I'd go back to regular strength. And i'd back that 400 up to 16in away. Once she gets used to it you can lower it as needed.


Active Member
Thanks guys , now im using 1.05ml FloraGro, 1.05ml FloraMicro and 1.05ml FloraBloom for 1 liter water. ( This is week 5 at Flowering Stage at Regular Strength. ) Should I water them with only tap water without nutes to flush ?

@Zack66 I can't raise my light now , it is already at top of my grow space :( I will try to find a solution , Thanks

match box

Well-Known Member
It may take 5 or 6 days for you to see any change. It's hard to just relax and let the plant do it's thing. Ya spend so much time with them ya hate to see your baby's struggle.


Active Member
It may take 5 or 6 days for you to see any change. It's hard to just relax and let the plant do it's thing. Ya spend so much time with them ya hate to see your baby's struggle.

Yes man , I put so much effort to them and im sad when they struggle like this.Top leaves still have claws and lower leaves keep going yellow and drop. and Im out of solutions, I can't raise the light because of limited space.