2nd attempt, same problem :(


Active Member

This is the first time i have ever posted on a forum let alone this one.
I first attempted to grow a couple of months ago, 2 plants from a variety bag of 99.99% femanised seeds, using a 2ft flourescent bulb.

They got to 5-6weeks in (approx 12cm) when the bottom leaves started yellowing at the tips and slowly moving in, then become like a browned burned appearance, this then continued up the plants till they died :(.
They were grown in a built in cupboard approx 3ft-3ft, but didnt have an air intake from the outside, and i watered them every second day, with a little bit of water, i didnt use any nutes as i wanted them to be organic.

My second attempt, i built a new cupboard, bigger than the last (4ft-5ft), built in a fan to pull the air from the outside in, i water them once every three days with a little bit of water fertiliser mix (i use a miracle grow fert, gave up on the organic bit).
Im growing two plants again, from the same variety bag, there doing better this time, also about 6 weeks in (but like 25cm), one of them is doin great and is my little pride and joy, however the other has started yellowing at the tips of the bottom leaves, and they very top leaves have yellowed from the stem and spread outwards.

i was wonderin if an one can help?
my only wish is to get em to survive, its so frustrating :wall:.
i was also wondering how safe it is to post pics on here and how to do so?
and ill maybe post some 2moz



Well-Known Member
you need nutrients, "organic" doesnt mean not giving nutes. They need food just as much as you and I need it. Organic means its natural and comes from something that used to live or is just naturally rich in specific nutes. Either way, you need nutes.


Active Member
the soil i used with the first plants, was a more exspensive one, designed for flowering plants, i think it was loaded with nutes all ready, which is why i didnt give them any organic nutes yet, when the problems started i did attempt to give them nutes bit it didnt change anything.

The plants im on now, ive used a cheap soil, which didnt have any nutes so ive been adding it, but i did wait a week or so after the seedlings showed before doin so.

thanx for the quick repleys, dint exspect anythin till at least 2moz evening


Well-Known Member
hm so maybe the first case was severe nute burn, which killed your plants, dont buy any soil like MG or anything that has NUTES already IN it, specially for seedlings, and your seedlings wont need ANY food for at least a couple weeks. However, organic soil will be okay.


Active Member
That helps me for the next time i grow, but is there anything i can do to save my poor yellowing plant, which hasnt even touched the mg soil?


Active Member
i use tap water, but ive got a bottle full of the stuff. i hurd if u let it sit for 24 hours then its ok, this stuff sits for weeks till i empty th bottle.
Its already premixed with nutes.


Active Member
i did for the first few days but now i put the lid on, was worried that id knock it over on to my mutlisockets.
should i jus use water on both plants or only the one wit the problem?
i was also thinkin of repoting them at 2moz or on sunday, there in peat pots but should i not bother till the problem is resolved?


Active Member

managed to take some pictures to day, i got one og my problem plant, and ive highlighted all the areas that worry me. Ive also got two pics of my pride and joy, one of the whole thing and the other highlighting what i think may be side shoots.... but not sure

i was also wonderin when they'd be ready for fruiting, i know there no where near ready yet, but was jus wonderin what they shud look like before i start.



Active Member
i just use genral purpose soil from b&q and my plants love it by the way i couldnt get anything to grow in peat pots mine were smaller pots though


Active Member
ive always, got em to grow in peat pots, i did actually wanna buy smaller ones 2 but i cudnt get hold of any.
but thought it was best to grow in peat pots as it wud be easier to transplant em


Well-Known Member

This is the first time i have ever posted on a forum let alone this one.
I first attempted to grow a couple of months ago, 2 plants from a variety bag of 99.99% femanised seeds, using a 2ft flourescent bulb.

They got to 5-6weeks in (approx 12cm) when the bottom leaves started yellowing at the tips and slowly moving in, then become like a browned burned appearance, this then continued up the plants till they died :(.
They were grown in a built in cupboard approx 3ft-3ft, but didnt have an air intake from the outside, and i watered them every second day, with a little bit of water, i didnt use any nutes as i wanted them to be organic.

My second attempt, i built a new cupboard, bigger than the last (4ft-5ft), built in a fan to pull the air from the outside in, i water them once every three days with a little bit of water fertiliser mix (i use a miracle grow fert, gave up on the organic bit).
Im growing two plants again, from the same variety bag, there doing better this time, also about 6 weeks in (but like 25cm), one of them is doin great and is my little pride and joy, however the other has started yellowing at the tips of the bottom leaves, and they very top leaves have yellowed from the stem and spread outwards.

i was wonderin if an one can help?
my only wish is to get em to survive, its so frustrating :wall:.
i was also wondering how safe it is to post pics on here and how to do so?
and ill maybe post some 2moz

dont think its so much to do with soil air input output is just has important i dont use expensive soil.


Well-Known Member
i think all your problems are with your soil are you useing peat free compost peat is very acidic check the soil ph level also i would have the fan pulling the air out also cut a hole in your grow box to let new air in to replace the air the fan is pulling out it will also keep the temps down check out the grow FAQ chin up


Active Member
thanks for the help, ive got a fan pullin air in, and ive got slits near the top of the box, so air can escape.
im using a 2ft flourescent bulb. however they did grow on my window shelf for like 2 weeks cuz my cupboard wasnt finished, so i think thats what stretched em so much.
i jus figured that i cud bury some of the stalk when i replant em.