250W HPS + 210W CFL Dual Home Genetics Grow


Hey everyone!

For the last month Ive been vegging two seeds that I cross-breeded with my last grow and a friend's sativa plant. this is my second grow, the first one giving pretty poor results (caused by low lights, lots of plants in small pots and general noobnes) but this time I came a bit more prepared.

Found myself an old 250W Security light, stripped it open and built a ghetto remote-ballast housing, a couple of 20W CFLs both 6500K and 2700K.
I have an entire room dedicated for the grow so the growing area is not sealed at all giving me much more space to handle temps, Just put a big ass house fan in there and the temps are excellent.

using a 70/30 soil/perlite mix, good results so far.
Just started giving Bio-Bloom nutes at half strength. planning on using molasses soon.

Germinated @ Nov.22, Flowering at Dec.26. 2 days after flowering and woah, pistils coming on on both plants! :hump:
One of them was very weak at the beginning while the other was growing like mad, I topped both of them about 10 days into veg. eventually the other one caught up the pace but the first one is INSANE. It has nodes EVERYWHERE and is looking damn healthy.

Well TTIUWP so here you go, sorry about the quality its from a camcorder... Tell me what you think guys.


Have a good one fellas. :peace:


update bump for day 8, getting surprisngly bigger, I was concerend one of them stretched a bit but they seem ok for the moment.
hairs coming out everywhere :-)


Well-Known Member
wow plants are looking great, keep it up! youre lucky you arent restricted with your grow room


Day 12 Update

Well in the last 2 days the plants had a growth burst, pistil-wise. all locations are now showing white yummy hairs.
I see a bright future for these two. :)



what can I do from stopping the stretch? every day when I check them after the night period I see one of them growing into the bulb, the speed of growth is incredible, but they are getting high and I find myself heightning the bulb every day... plants are already topped. I'm afraid one of them will get too high and wont fill up nicely, and also I cant put the HPS closer to the lower bud sites...


Days 22 Update - BUD SHOTS!

well they are 3 days old but I couldnt get myself to get some more pictures. still they are looking nice and fresh :


Day 29 Update
Almost a month into flowering, buds are growing very nice, yesterday I started adding blackstrap molasses to their diet.
Ive got a problem with one of the plants, It started out as a yellow fan leaf with black dots on it, looks like this:
since I havent changed anything in the grow space except the molasses from yesteday, I figured it might just be a sick leaf. but today I see alot more of the big fan leaves turning yellow and it seems very problematic. whats the problem? pH? nutes?

and on the brighter side of things, tell me what you think about them buds :)



Active Member
hey im flowering under a 250watt hps too, mine just showed female but im seein some balls on the lower nodes... i think i got a bad seed but well see in a week


yeah Ive noticed some of my lower buds putting out some pollen sacks, I try to snip them as soon as I see them grow to control them basterds.
i came to a conclusion that getting a female plant is easy but keeping it 100% female from start to harvest is alot more difficult.


Active Member
Did you cut back on the molasses? Also you said your plants were growing into your lights? I just found your thread...you could try tying them down a little LST style - not sure that would work with them already flowering but what choice do you have unless you can keep raising the light. Otherwise can you move the light to the side or something?


well they havent grown in the last few days and I raised the lamp abit higher so its okay, but they only have a couple of inches of space.
I only used molasses once, 1tbsp for every 2Liters of water, combined with BioBizz Bloom ( 4ml per 1l water)
they yellowing isnt getting worse true to this time, and I can already see tiny crystals :)
too bad one of them hermied and I got to keep a close eye on it.


Day 35 Bud Shots:

unfourtonatly, seeds have formed. I hope it wont overpower the pistil growth rate...
buds are looking good though, but you be the judge. :-)


one of the plants look abit sick, some of the big fan leaves are yellowing.. I gave it yesterday some water with bit of 20-20-20 soultion for extra nitrogen, hope itll help it abit.


Day 40 Update

I still have the yellowing leaves problem, could be nitrogen deficency? would love some tips on nitrogen boosts for them.

how are they looking for day 40?~ bongsmilie