25 days old, what you think???


Well-Known Member
these are 25 days old under a 400watt light, 1st and 2nd week had heat problems which lost my a couple and stunted some growth but they seem to be taking off, strains are white rhino and ak 48 from nirvana. i picked the blower fan up at walmart on clearance for 27 bucks and that thing works like a jewel.



Active Member
anymore people?
I would say if they didn't get the heat stress at the beginning any time between 3-4 weeks into veg. but now I would say towards the end of the 4th week.

There are good threads out there on this subject look around. Thats how I started :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
na i know alot and read alot but by 4 weeks i should be taking clones but i just dont see none to take them from


Well-Known Member
and no nutes yet i used fox farm ocean soil and was told it was all i need for the veg process and must be the light cause they are not yellow


Well-Known Member
and no nutes yet i used fox farm ocean soil and was told it was all i need for the veg process and must be the light cause they are not yellow
FFOF soil is great for the first 4 weeks of growth...after all the mycroazhae (sp.) are absorbed by the plant's roots, you need to supplement the soil with additional nutrition while the plant continues to grow. It's a good idea to start a nice nute regime around now...you won't regret it!


Well-Known Member
what are nutes? sorry, but i am new to this. thanks.
welcome to Roll It Up.org...as a new member, you should start reading the FAQ forums/threads...or General Growing Beginners Thread...read up on there, and you'll gain a boat load of useful information! Good Luck!
Btw..."nutes" as so often referred to are nutrients (fertilizer)...