24hr or 18 hr cycle?


Well-Known Member
There is alot of debate about this one.

Some people think that 24/0 hours is great
Others think that 18/6 is the business.

Im an 18/6 guy myself i try and think that we are doing our upmost to try and recreate nature as best we can with our growing environments. I also believe that plants release toxins etc during the dark cycle and allow more root formation to occur which is where the biggest yields are seen. The more space the roots have to grow the more yield you can expect. But there are alot of other factors rolled into this equation rather than just light cycles and pot sizes.

You can find out alot of research with pros and cons for both scenarios.
I do not feel that there is alot of benefit from using the extra 6hours of light as alot of research points to the plants not really showing much differences in sizes or quality from the differences in light cycles. PLus using 18/6 uses less electric than a 24/0 but then thats an obvious fact lol.

Sorry this is a both sided answer kind of but thought you should know a little bit about both.

You can do a search on RIU for light cycles using the search at the top.
Click advanced and choose to search for forum titles this way you will find all the threads related to light cycles rather than every post containing the words light and cycles.

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
From what I hear it's a matter of preference. I use 24/0. The way I figure it is I'm usinf CFL's so the difference to my bill isn't that great so why not give them all the light they can use. If you're trying to be more energy conscious go with 18/6 but I don't think it makes that much difference. Now if you're using like MH or HPS by all means go with 18/6 and save yourself a few bucks.

Brick Top

New Member
Have any of you every looked at your plants in the morning and were amazed by how much the plants had grown overnight and how because of it you have to raise your light ….. but over an entire daylight period you do not see equal growth? If so have you ever wondered why?

During hours of light plants multitask, they perform all their functions at the same time. Due to limitations of available energy to perform all the tasks varying amounts of energy are allocated to different functions. During hours of darkness plants cut back on the number of functions performed and operate on stored energy. With few functions being performed during the hours of darkness the functions that do take place end up being allocated an increased amount of energy to use during hours of darkness than what they receive during hours of light.

Growth is one of the functions that continue during hours of darkness and receives an increased amount of energy to use over what is received during hours of light.

Why stop your plants of making use of a natural growth function that is very beneficial? The idea of a 24/0 light cycle is based on a fallacy of wrongly connected dots that says increased hours of light have to equate to increased amounts of growth.

Another function of plants during hours of darkness that benefits from increased amounts of allocated energy is the creation of THC. That of course is only while in flower, but most THC is produced during the hours of darkness as a reaction to the THC that was lost during the hours of light when it performed its ‘sunscreen job’ protecting the sensitive inner workings of the trichome heads from damaging light rays. During the hours of darkness THC production receives increased amounts of energy so the amount of THC that was lost can be replenished and then some additional amount is made … so you end up with a slow gradual increase in overall amounts of THC until harvest …… that is of course assuming someone does not harvest to late allowing THC to deteriorate, to oxidize and become CBN … then the overall net THC gain would have peaked pre-harvest and be diminishing.


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for the info. Gonna look into it a bit more but I think you may have convinced me to use my timer.