24 hour light encourages Males/Hermies?


Active Member
Hey, i read an article online that 24 hour light produces a higher male to female ratio, and hermies. does anyone have any experience with this?


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of such....... I doubt it. 24 hour light is not stressful to the plant as opposed to 18, from what I have read.

No practical experience here, though. I 24'd mine but they are from clone.


Active Member
KP, with 24 hour light, do you get more males than females? or is your male to female ratio still pretty good?


Well-Known Member
my fem to male ratio is unbeleivable; 18 of my last 20 have been female, and i do not use feminised seeds.

my conditions:

blue spec in veg
24-8-16 all purpose for veg (soil)

and i've had the greatest luck ever since. i was running perpetual, and was actually upset; i wanted to breed some of these strains, but i had no males! go figure...



Well-Known Member


New Member
personally i have heard nothing but good things with running a 24 light cycle for at least a month but when you do this you need to add more water and co2 because the plants are growing all the time they need the xtra elements.


Active Member
okay, well now i dunno what to do.
today makes them 3 weeks old, ill prolly start to flower in a little over a week, should i leave them on 24 hours or gradually change back to 18/6 ?


New Member
plants dont need a graduall change for light they will respond to the immedite change personally i dont flower by time but height i wait till all my plants are between 20-24 inches tall b-4 i start to flower