24 Hour exposure to light, 4 weeks into Flowering


New Member
I am currently looking after twelve healthy 6 1/2 ft. plants. Five of which are Super Sour OG, Three G-13, One THC Bomb, and a variety of the last three being Northern Lights x Skunk, Super Cheese and Blue Hash. I have two 600w lights, both on tracks for overall maximum effectiveness. I had a problem with getting light underneath some of the plants and keep in mind I work in a tight area with a lot of plants(Did not mean for this intentionally). So to try and resolve this I put a "Lights Of America" model 8045E Shop Light underneath the plants to help with penetration. I don't have a wattage amount for the light because the manufacturer doesn't list it on their website. But it cant be much over a typical household bulb. So, your probably already close to guessing what I did right? Instead of the shop light being on a timer for 12/12, it was on 24 hours due to it being turned ON instead of on the TIMER position. So when the 600w lights went off, the shop light continued to stay on during sleep cycle. Now my question is, Did I trigger them into Re-Veg? If so, how long before noticeable changes? or the million dollar question being, Did I fuck up? Is all lost?

Also if it matters, the shop light was on the floor, bulbs was facing upward.

I've surfed the web in regards to growers having the same similar situation and I just don't know what to think. I was taught that if you trigger them into re-veg, all is lost. I honestly feel sick to my stomach for 'slipping' up. I have a lot invested and not to mention hard work.


Well-Known Member
Was it just one night? If so it's probably perfectly fine... your plants may be a bit stressed for a few days but they should recover.


New Member
This was over a two-day period. I put the shop light in Wednesday night after watering and didn't notice that it was on until Friday night watering when I seen what position the timer was turned to. So in all reality, my plants have had 24 hours of exposure, In a two day period. 24 of which was HPS light and 24 hours of Fluorescent light during their sleeping hours. Thursday morning after 10:00 A.M. and Friday morning after 10:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. It's a good thing I even noticed it within two days or this could of gone on longer. I have it all set up to 12/12 now of course and this being Saturday, they are sleeping with no interruptions. So whaddyah' think?


Well-Known Member
So 48 hours of straight light? or 36?

If it was just 24 or 36 hours, you dont have much to worry about, and just lost out on one night of flower development. at 48 hours, hormonal changes begin to start taking effect more noticeably.

IMO whenever this happens too me, i counter with an equal period of darkness. It happened once before for one night before i caught it so I had 36 hours of straight light week 3 in flowering. I think the way plants work is they can sense how long the day is and then store up enough energy for the night and phytohormones sense day/night length . If the day was longer, then these levels are higher than usual. So what I did was say, ok now that I have all this "stuff" (sugars, starches, hormones) built up more than usual, I have to have the night length more than usual so they are used up more and get back to normal right away. I'm not 100% that this works to make up the loss of flower development but I think if your looking to do something that doesn't hurt your plants but possibly can help them stay on track, this is what to do.


Well-Known Member
what happens if i want to start a different cycle like saying its on 12/12 now 6am-6pm what if i let her sleep extra and start her lets say from noon to midnight. would i let her sleep the extra hours mine too in 28 days of flowerDSC_0729.jpg


Well-Known Member
Whom are u referring to who fucked up. I know my girls are ok I listened to one seasoned grower ugh told me I had male plant. Well I ripped out a beautiful hybrid sativa
So 48 hours of straight light? or 36?

If it was just 24 or 36 hours, you dont have much to worry about, and just lost out on one night of flower development. at 48 hours, hormonal changes begin to start taking effect more noticeably.

IMO whenever this happens too me, i counter with an equal period of darkness. It happened once before for one night before i caught it so I had 36 hours of straight light week 3 in flowering. I think the way plants work is they can sense how long the day is and then store up enough energy for the night and phytohormones sense day/night length . If the day was longer, then these levels are higher than usual. So what I did was say, ok now that I have all this "stuff" (sugars, starches, hormones) built up more than usual, I have to have the night length more than usual so they are used up more and get back to normal right away. I'm not 100% that this works to make up the loss of flower development but I think if your looking to do something that doesn't hurt your plants but possibly can help them stay on track, this is what to do.
I ran for 24 on accident, day 14 now. Should I kill for 24 hours and go back to normal schedule? Or Kill for 12 and move schedule to 12 hours later? Urgent help is needed please