24/7 or 18/6?


Well-Known Member
So ive been running my little ones on 24hr light and exhaust/fan. There going on 3 weeks next monday. Would it be more beneficial for them to go on 18/6? Why, why not? Ive heard that they dont really need the dark cycle during vegging but i think it might be running them ragged.



Well-Known Member
well. plants have a natural cycle. they respire different in the dark and they grow different in the dark. i did mine on 24/7 until i flowered them, but i noticed faster growth once i started turning the lights off.
in short: yeah, i think 18/6 will grow them faster. i am sure you will get other opinions from wiser folks than i.


Well-Known Member
I do know that during the day a plant will use C02 and transpire 02 but during the night it takes in 02 and transpires C02...so it would figure that both gasses would be essential to the plants overall well being


Well-Known Member
they will grow just fine under 24 i prefer 18/6 as it gives the plants and your lights a chance to rest, seems more natural (the sun ain't up 24hrs a day is is!?) and keeps your electricity bills down...


Well-Known Member
they will grow just fine under 24 i prefer 18/6 as it gives the plants and your lights a chance to rest, seems more natural (the sun ain't up 24hrs a day is is!?) and keeps your electricity bills down...
The only thing I can agree on is the electric bill, lights are not organisms, they don't need to rest or sleep, they will last longer ( total hours) if left on constantly. The sun IS on 24 hours at the North Pole BTW, for a few days. There is debate if the extra hours of light is as efficiently absorbed and converted to sugars as it was during 18 hours only.


Well-Known Member
the lights may last longer in total hours but not total grows...... i prefer to let my plants sleep abit but thats just me!


Well-Known Member
I was getting almost 3" a day growth (sometimes more) on a 22/2 schedule, of course thats with hydro but the plants were happy as hell.


New Member
you will get shorter internodes with 24hrs lighting during veg that is the only advantage apart from a v slight increase in growth that is far outweighed by the cost of the electric


Well-Known Member
is that ok if i have my lights on for like 22 or 23 hours a day and off for like 1 or 2 hours?


Well-Known Member
It doenst matter as long as you give them 18 hours or more.
18 or 24 hours makes no proven difference, 18 will save you electricity.


Well-Known Member
i went 24/0 with 2 23 warm white cFLs and had internode length of less than 1 inch.
on a mostly indica plant. i think sativa strains tend to be a little leggier anyway. but what i was saying was i think ripz is right about the internode thing.


Well-Known Member
yeah the internodal spacing on my one plant is radical, the thing is litterally a bush right now. I ended up switching them though, 3 weeks is long enough they need to relax a bit not.

yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
i did mine 24 for the first 4 weeks then 19\5 for a week and a half and threw them into flowering works great