24/7 how long is too long.

Moe Flo

Well-Known Member
I've recently heard that if your light period in veg (24/7) is on for too long that the plants will show stress in bloom. So I'm wondering how long is too long? For me from seed usually the veg is from 47-52 days, from clone it's less.
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Well-Known Member
Have you ever gone 47-52 days being up for 24 hrs?
Your plants need to rest just as much as you do. Look into 20/4, 18/6, or 16/8 cycles

Moe Flo

Well-Known Member
What I'm sayn is what's the norm for 24/7? I use to give em 24/7 for just like 2 weeks then 16/8.


Well-Known Member
24/7 isn't norm no matter what in my opinion. Your best off doing16/8 or 18/6 in my opinion from the get go
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Moe Flo

Well-Known Member
I have this Royal Cookie on 24/7 for 35 days now. Before


and now

IMG_4127 (3).JPG

I was going to flip her tomorrow but she going in a 10 gal smarty. I don't want to stress her.


Well-Known Member
they flower faster but stretch more when going from 24/0 to 12/12, my own personal experience from multiple grows working this way.

i only have my lights go out in veg if i am battling temperatures. i prefer 24/0 over all other schedules i have tried, i feel it gives the best growth.
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Well-Known Member
24/0 is the way to go IMO for veg. faster growth and closer internode spacing.

24/0 is no more unusual than 20/4 or 18/6 to those who argue against it. people need sleep, cannabis does not.


Well-Known Member
I herd that the only reasoning behind them needing "sleep" is to develop roots during the night cycle..

I run my veg room 24/0 I was thinking of 18/6 only because it's getting hot the extra 6 hours off can help from 11a to 3p prime time sun time


Well-Known Member
I herd that the only reasoning behind them needing "sleep" is to develop roots during the night cycle..

I run my veg room 24/7 I was thinking of 18/6 only because it's getting hot the extra 6 hours off can help from 11a to 3p prime time sun time
having done DWC with 24/0, I can assure you they grow huge roots without a dark phase.


Well-Known Member
24/0 Is the way to go.
IMO they get bigger before switching to 12/12.
Not one of my plants ever told me that they needed a rest...

Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Also do you see any stress in flower after a long haul of 24/7?
I'm using 7 gallon smart pots, I see absolutely no stress when I switch to 12/12, and the stretch is looking pretty normal so far, they were 22 inches before I put them into flowering and now they are 32 inches, here's a current pic from two days ago 19 days into flowering.


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