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100 Gal smart pots have 2 bagseed from dispensary bud one called Mint Chocolate Chip (the one topped and split 4x) The other is Cornbread which is the 2nd biggest, they were just experiments sprouted in feb and ended up putting em in the pot because it sucked trying to get seeds this year... All other pots are Gorilla Glue fem from canuk seeds, the green tote and planter is white widow regulars from canuk, and the og kush is fem from canuk as well, if you notice the og is a triploid, has 3 cotyledon leaves/true leaves per node.... Also, the R19 is a random seed that I threw out on 4/25 basically trying to kill it, it got bleached out from direct sun and no hardening, but luckily while stunted it didnt flower, it veg'ed out some nice new growth and I cut the old stuff off, thats why its about a foot off the ground before the first leaf node starts... May just light dep and flower it out while the others finish, or just keep trimming it into a straight stick for a hemp walking stick or something... Not really sure yet... Still in the process of building out the fence, that privacy screen/fabric... Right now its the north wall, and just blocking a retirement community behind the woods there... I probably wont be keeping up with this, have been lurking here over 10 years and never really post, but figured Id roll out my first on the legal outdoor... Should mention the whole yard is covered by 100+ foot trees that crowd out the yard so this spot while its the best spot on the property, it does still get shaded out at times... If I could cut them down I would...

Will at least post a mid summer and flower update, as well as a final harvest report. Enjoy the season everyone.
This is just for my personal notes if anyone sees posts like this.

5/31/20 : Added about 300 worms mix of red wiggler, ew, nc. to pot #1 (Mint Chocolate Chip) Will do the same for the rest when I find the time.

By the way... People are definitely allowed to discuss whatever on this thread, forgot to mention that, feel free to do whatever, ask whatever. Thanks.
Greetings bro! Good luck with your growing and have a stable cycle, there.

I have 2 questions. 1) Can you show us how you trained them? Looks like a good job there on one photo for sure. 2) I see some smart pots are placed on ground and some on wood planks. Do you want to let some of them to grow their roots into the ground?

Anyhow, good luck with the grow! Try and post more, will follow you. ))))
Greetings bro! Good luck with your growing and have a stable cycle, there.

I have 2 questions. 1) Can you show us how you trained them? Looks like a good job there on one photo for sure. 2) I see some smart pots are placed on ground and some on wood planks. Do you want to let some of them to grow their roots into the ground?

Anyhow, good luck with the grow! Try and post more, will follow you. ))))

Hi Bakha, Training on the one (Mint Chocolate Chip) was done as a normal topping (4 times) and training the branches out to the side,after tying them down, wait a few hours for them to reach back up to light, and then slide the tie down even further, or let it grow another week or so, and start a new tie down.... If that makes any sense? Nothing complex at all with that one, it was just an experimental plant I had started back in feb and kept going while waiting, the only reason its even outside is because I had a problem with 2 different seed orders and luckily got my 3rd and last chance...unfortunately there was germination issues so I ended up using one of the 100gal for the mint chocolate chip that I had going... I did sync up the light cycles for a few weeks before putting her out but I think I did end up flowering her, she has branching that isnt symmetrical, which is alright with me, it will give the others to catch up, and hopefully have some monster cropping benefits to it. The reason for putting 2 on the plastic pallets is because I wanted to put all of them in there, this space looks like it has a bunch of space to grow but it gets shaded out beause they're surrounded by like 75-150ft(?) trees on all sides, so while it looks like theres space there really isnt. I was hoping to have more pallets to put them on incase I have to move them with a telehandler later in the season when they're too big.

If you notice the ground has a bare spot in between like 3-4 pots, that is where I had a previously plant in the ground, hence the missing grass from filling it the damage after harvesting, That spot right there I found to have the best and most amount of light throughout the season in my backyard... So I tried to get the other pots closest to that area, another reason why the spacing seems tight... But either way, Ill get a few more pictures later this week to show you the wider angle of the setup and explain my later season plans a bit better.

The ground in my backyard is heavy clay, that bare spot I've grown in the ground there before straight up, and the roots had trouble breaking through the tough soil.. In prior years I've also dug that spot out 3ft deep and about 5x5ft square area and filled with ammended soil, which did pretty well that year, but once the roots reached the end of my hole they basically stopped dead in their tracks and didnt break the natural soil surrounding the area... Thats the main reason I was going to put all on pallets, I didnt think they would need the extra space because sun is my limiting factor I didnt think they would even get big enough to need to outgrow the pots. I do like experimenting though, and doing A/B studies on the same strains, So Ill check the end of the season which ones did better, pallet/no pallet... and see if the roots were able to penetrate the ground at all.

Thanks for the questions. Cheers.
Maybe if your house is close you can build up a street HPS pole or something like this. Anyway it will be much cheaper than indoor growing for you.


Thanks for the fast response, again good luck! Will be waiting for the new photos.
Yeah I was actually thinking of that, Im waiting on my electrical and plumbing lines to get here... I was either going to do something like this, Or just string lights to help in the morning (first 2-3 hours doesnt get direct sunrise, and worried late season if leaves havent fallen yet, then Ill need something to help dry them off, was thinking a couple 400-600w HPS and trying to build a waterproof shield for them... Or string lights or something, maybe even a few verticle flourescents for late day early morning.. Idk... Im trying to figure it out as I go, without spending much money on it and uses supplies I have at the house. Im pissed because I had a commercial street light I pulled from a dumpster... It was brand new in the box... online went for $1300 and was a large street light of LEDs... I ended up selling it for like 350 to a pawn shop because I didnt have any need for it, but wishing I had that now... Oh well... I think id be happy either way even with just the sunlight Im getting now... I've got plenty of other growers and bud around so this is more for enjoyment than relying on the harvest... I just love the act of gardening and growing marijuana especially. Thanks.
Oh yeah its not really the money, just that I found one sitting next to dumpster brand new in box... that I sold for 350... I've got old 400 MH and HPS bulbs and ballasts lying around that I can sacrifice... I dont need to buy anymore lights lol... I've had indoors going for years and just horde old equipment that still has life left to it, If anything Ill buy a bulb for one of those if I really needed to, and just set up a way to safely keep them outside... Maybe convert an old aircooled hood or something... Thank you for the link though!

I never really use alibaba, how do you get by the 50 set minimum order for this? If I wanted 2-3 would they sell those as a "sample" or something? Or would you need to find a listing for less MOQ? Curious because I am interested in many items I've seen on alibaba.... Also, what are the chances of being scammed by a high ranked seller? and how long does a typical order take to get to your front door? ( if you're in the US?..... East Coast USA, New England area for me...) Thanks!
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You just need to write them and ask if they can send you some products for testing. A lot of sellers sell 1 unit by default. You can even convince them to send something for free, just to try it out. I purchased a lot of chemical equipment from them last year to UK. I got express delivery, costed a lot but I needed it, took 2 weeks. Regular delivery usually within 1-1.5 month. Just don't buy something that is extremely cheap, usually there is a trick to it. I think because of covid-19 delivery will be very slow, but anyway it will be delivered.

Anyhow you have a lot of local suppliers in US and Canada that are very competitive to Chinese prices.
ing some to ttons of other things in my yard and making their way to my plants.. Put some yellow sticky traps up 2 days ago, caught a ton on just half a sheet for each plant in a matter of hours, Luckily they seem to avoid catch any beneficial ones, I only had to help 1 lady bug out of one trap. We got some much needed rain yesterday, high gusts of winds along with it, added more green tape just before that to help protect from wind... They held up great and cleaned off all that pollen. Most plants are starting to grow 1-3 inches per day, The gorilla glues are about 1 month old now and tallest one I believe is about 21 inches give or take. They are spreading out. I've only FIM'd one of the gorilla glues. The rest Im looking to just help by tying down and promoting lower branch growth. I am still waiting to finish enclosing the plot using more of the shade fencing, maybe instead of the 8ft tall one use something shorter for my southern wall. I also plan on hanging a small zip line type galvanized cable strung across 2 trees to use as a "clothesline" sort of and use to hang tarp/clear poly over the plot for any rains that I want to avoid, especially late season. I also got my wire delivered to supply power out to the plot, as well as my cameras set up, will need to add 2 more closer to the plot but I've got the perimeter very secure now, although it looks wide open, no one can move within a few hundred feet without me being alerted... Which Im still working on for false positives and low risk alerts like birds and branches blowing in the wind... But love working on the computer vision stuff so will definitely have to tweak it before I start getting annoyed and shutting off the alerts or ignoring them or something. The galvanized cable is 1/8th in. and should have plenty of load capacity to handle anything Im going to throw at it. All of this is temporary and will be taken down and cleared by November so nothing really permanent is going on, especially because Im planning a move soon. I've included a couple pictures of the galvanized cable to get an idea. They will go into eye bolts into trees about 15-25ft off the ground Id say.

I've also included picture of my Mint Chocolate Chip that was just an experiment plant that I had going since feb along with that cornbread.. Those are the ones that have been topped and spread out, They were not supposed to even go outside but issues with the seed deliveries this year forced my hand and ended up using 2 of the 100gal pots to transplant those into.. Although they had been acclimated to the outside light and schedule over the course of more than a month, They still started to flower out for a week or less after putting them outside. Fine with me, they are basically monster cropped now, had some bushy reveg for a short period and are now starting to come out of it, and speed of regular veg growth is starting to pick back up. It gave the gorilla glues time to catch up which worked out, and the bushiness is a plus, hopefully wont cause any RH issues late season. Im also planning to add a second cage around the mint chocolate chip in the next week or two, you can see the green tape is attached to the pallet now, and I will need to get the other 3 cage supports in place, you can see the one metal pipe sticking out of the ground on the corner of the pallet, there will be 3 more, one on each corner, and the cage will go around those, starting about 3-3.5 feet off the ground to allow access to the stalk. I've attached pictures of the split V/Y notch from the first topping, I attached tape, and then kept LST without realizing I pulled the wound apart, eventually each side harded off and it was next to impossible to heal without doing surgery and scraping off the calloused wound ends and reattaching... I ended up keeping it and continuing the LST, tied her down and just let it go... After the split she didnt slow down for one second, not a single yellowed leaf or anything... Now that the inner cage is in place Im not really worried about it breaking any further, But I am worried about water or something getting in there and rotting it.... I've looked into a couple solutions for tree glue/rubber wound sealers and stuff, I tried a bit of tape to cover it, But I just found that allows for moisture to sit in there longer, doing more bad than good.. So I removed it, hopefully it will just grow quick enough and callous way over the split and seal it by the end of the season, If not Ill just keep an eye on it. These will be covered from rain during flower anyways so hopefully we'll be able to finish out the season without issue.

Update on the OG Kush triploid has reverted to normal growth 2 sets. It is still 1/4th the size of other gorilla glue and other plants that sprouted on the same day so I think I made the right call on not putting her in one of the 100gals. The R19 (Random 2019 bag seed) has a 3-4 inch mushroom I noticed this morning growing about a foot away after the rain yesterday, This plant doesnt have any mulching/straw I am just waiting to allow the natural ground cover come back which you can start to see growing. This was a huglekulture (sp?) bed I made like 4 years ago and scalped the hill down to a leveled area along with the rest of the grass/yard height, before planting, so all the ground cover was removed with it, You can see some ivy growing in there though I believe, so I might have to get rid of that. Bugs have definitely been an issue this year, Theres tons of plants in my yard that attract thousands of random types of bugs and they happen to make their way to the plants, I had spread some DE all around the top of the straw and my walkways, as well as the outside of the fabric pots and around the R19 plot, It seemed to help, the rain washed most of it away, will probably do another dressing next week. Im also waiting on delivery for a few other pest deterrents. Does anyone know if those large insect nets they use for mosquitos and stuff for like camping canopys/beds/tents and stuff/ especially in like africa and shit... Does anyone know if those holes in the nets are so small and spaced so close together if that would cause a large amount of shading like a shade cloth would? I'd like to get a very large one to enclose that whole plot and release a few thousand ladybugs and other beneficial insects in there... But it would be a waste with my limited sun in my yard to put up any full time net if its going to act like a shade cloth that is anymore than like 10-15% shade... Random thought just had.. Anyways, here are the pics. Feel free to ask any questions, provide any constructive criticism or make any comments. Much appreciated, Enjoy.

June 12th Update:

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Update from 6/25/2020 5:30pm

Dealing with a bunch of bugs this year all over the neighborhood everyone's gardens are getting hit. Most of the plants are hitting their strides, I did some defol and FIM'ing on some of the smaller ones... I am still keeping a couple that I am not topping/FIM'ing (*yet at least... going to try not to*)

Will try to post more if I can get the time, will at least try to give a 2 week update.. If anyone is interested in any boring technical note taking and journal highlighting every little thing done, I can send pics of my notebooks and calendars... They go pretty in depth on everything I've done since feb. including build notes and especially pheno notes. Let me know if anyone can find any use from it.

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