Well-Known Member
Since I enjoyed last years outdoor grow Thread, following my fellow massholes, I decided to start this years. Last year was my first real outdoor grow and I enjoyed it more than I ever did 10 years of indoor. I had a great harvest and will have enough to supply me thru next harvest season.
I decided the best way to spend my “quarantine” was to start prepping my garden. It’s about 6 weeksish till I want to plant my seeds, so today I cleaned out old litter and debis that gathered over the winter. I already picked up most of the supplies I’ll need to refresh the soil. Just waiting on a delivery of Organic compost to get here. I’ll need about a yard of it for my 10x10 bed. I figure I can mix it all up now and add it as a topsoil, cover it up and let it sit for 4-6 weeks. Worked great last year.
still haven’t decided on strains yet but I think I’m gonna try autos early spring this year and plant some reg photo plants in July. That’s when I planted last year and they got bigger than I needed anyway. Anybody with experience with autos around here outdoors?
So let’s hear what your plans are for this year! Great time to be stuck at home. Take extra care of your gardens! Hard work now will reward you later. Happy growing!
I decided the best way to spend my “quarantine” was to start prepping my garden. It’s about 6 weeksish till I want to plant my seeds, so today I cleaned out old litter and debis that gathered over the winter. I already picked up most of the supplies I’ll need to refresh the soil. Just waiting on a delivery of Organic compost to get here. I’ll need about a yard of it for my 10x10 bed. I figure I can mix it all up now and add it as a topsoil, cover it up and let it sit for 4-6 weeks. Worked great last year.
still haven’t decided on strains yet but I think I’m gonna try autos early spring this year and plant some reg photo plants in July. That’s when I planted last year and they got bigger than I needed anyway. Anybody with experience with autos around here outdoors?
So let’s hear what your plans are for this year! Great time to be stuck at home. Take extra care of your gardens! Hard work now will reward you later. Happy growing!