Well-Known Member
I don't know because I'm not psychic. However, if you look back in history.. just in the past 11 years, it seems things are getting worse for the world. I mean, shit.. my hometown of N.J. was just hit by a fucking hurricane. They haven't had a hurricane since the 1920 or 1930's I believe..
Now, what I can tell you.. for a fact, which is something that REALLY happened already as a result of the Japan earthquake.. is that the earthquake was so violent, that it actually shifted the Earths axis! It shifted it by 4 inches! Now, while that may not sound like a lot.. go get yourself a measuring stick or ruler, and measure 4 inches. It's still might not seem like a lot.. but when your talking about the Earths rotational axis.. that it rotates on, 4 inches is a big deal! When something like this takes place, it changes things. Did you know that because of the earths axis being shifted by 4 inches... that actually made our days a quarter of a second shorter!?! These are all facts that I have read about.. which have been proven by scientists and astrologists.. these aren't made up ideas or theories.. these are facts.
Check out this information, maybe this will give some of you a better idea of whats really going on in today's world.
Increase in total global earthquakes per year
In 1973, @ 5,000 per year
In 1983 @ 10,000 per year
In 1993 @ 20,000 per year
In 2003 @ 30,000 per year
Will there be 40,000 in 2013? and And 50,000 in 2023?? Once again, I don't have the answer to that question.. but if you follow science like I do.. and history.. those sources can give you an idea of what to expect "more than likely" in the future. History does in fact sometimes repeat itself.. its just a question of when.. not if.
Here, read this information.. this might even give you kids an even better clue as to what's coming our way, eventually.
After looking at the Global weather disasters, you will wonder why you never heard about most of these on the news. But it will become clear that the public has not been told about a lot of things.
Take a look at the weather patterns and see if it does not substantiate a significant change in weather conditions has been taking place which supports the axis shift scenario. An increase in the axial tilt would cause hotter than normal summers and colder than normal winters. (heat waves in the NE and NW US).
Accelerated melting of polar ice caps would cause higher humidity and increased levels of precipitation: heavy rains, floods, larger hail, increased snow, blizzards and increased fog.
An increase in the tilt would also bring tropical weather farther north. (Texas, normally dry and hot 112F+ each summer, has been experiencing tropical humidity and tropical 80-90 degree summers since 2007 and heavy rains & flooding through July.)
Along with bringing the tropical weather farther north, it would affect the weather patterns which create hurricanes and tornadoes. (Tornadic activity has been seen in regions and countries where tornadoes were previously unknown.)
Warming of the arctic current which normally cools the entire Pacific coast of the US, would cause temperatures in states like CA, OR & WA to soar and reduce the rain patterns as well which were produced as the air over the icy cold Pacific arctic currents came into contact with the warmer land of the coastline. Thus, warmer arctic current would not create such an interaction of the air with the warmer land and droughts would incur as well as warmer temperatures. (Heat waves permeated the west coast in 2008. The governor of CA spoke of declaring a federal disaster due to the drought in Feb 2009. San Francisco which almost never exceeds 69 degrees even in the hottest summers, have had temperatures in the mid 80's in the spring of 2009. Few people on California's northern coast had air conditioners in their homes in the 1980's. I suspect that has changed now.)
Once again, I can't predict the future and I've never claimed to be able to do so. However, I just have a feeling in the pit of my stomach.. that something is coming our way and its going to be something that will forever change the way the human race lives. I know there are those of you who like to "speculate" on things of this subject.. and don't believe that anything is going to happen. All I have to say to you non-believers is, when a big event DOES come.. and it will come eventually, don't come running to my hideout.
That's all. I just want to help people prepare for the worse. Why? Well, simple.. because whenever we prepare for the worse.. we're prepared for whatever may come our way. Like I've always said, I live by the motto "better safe than sorry."
Now, what I can tell you.. for a fact, which is something that REALLY happened already as a result of the Japan earthquake.. is that the earthquake was so violent, that it actually shifted the Earths axis! It shifted it by 4 inches! Now, while that may not sound like a lot.. go get yourself a measuring stick or ruler, and measure 4 inches. It's still might not seem like a lot.. but when your talking about the Earths rotational axis.. that it rotates on, 4 inches is a big deal! When something like this takes place, it changes things. Did you know that because of the earths axis being shifted by 4 inches... that actually made our days a quarter of a second shorter!?! These are all facts that I have read about.. which have been proven by scientists and astrologists.. these aren't made up ideas or theories.. these are facts.
Check out this information, maybe this will give some of you a better idea of whats really going on in today's world.
Increase in total global earthquakes per year
In 1973, @ 5,000 per year
In 1983 @ 10,000 per year
In 1993 @ 20,000 per year
In 2003 @ 30,000 per year
Will there be 40,000 in 2013? and And 50,000 in 2023?? Once again, I don't have the answer to that question.. but if you follow science like I do.. and history.. those sources can give you an idea of what to expect "more than likely" in the future. History does in fact sometimes repeat itself.. its just a question of when.. not if.
Here, read this information.. this might even give you kids an even better clue as to what's coming our way, eventually.
After looking at the Global weather disasters, you will wonder why you never heard about most of these on the news. But it will become clear that the public has not been told about a lot of things.
Take a look at the weather patterns and see if it does not substantiate a significant change in weather conditions has been taking place which supports the axis shift scenario. An increase in the axial tilt would cause hotter than normal summers and colder than normal winters. (heat waves in the NE and NW US).
Accelerated melting of polar ice caps would cause higher humidity and increased levels of precipitation: heavy rains, floods, larger hail, increased snow, blizzards and increased fog.
An increase in the tilt would also bring tropical weather farther north. (Texas, normally dry and hot 112F+ each summer, has been experiencing tropical humidity and tropical 80-90 degree summers since 2007 and heavy rains & flooding through July.)
Along with bringing the tropical weather farther north, it would affect the weather patterns which create hurricanes and tornadoes. (Tornadic activity has been seen in regions and countries where tornadoes were previously unknown.)
Warming of the arctic current which normally cools the entire Pacific coast of the US, would cause temperatures in states like CA, OR & WA to soar and reduce the rain patterns as well which were produced as the air over the icy cold Pacific arctic currents came into contact with the warmer land of the coastline. Thus, warmer arctic current would not create such an interaction of the air with the warmer land and droughts would incur as well as warmer temperatures. (Heat waves permeated the west coast in 2008. The governor of CA spoke of declaring a federal disaster due to the drought in Feb 2009. San Francisco which almost never exceeds 69 degrees even in the hottest summers, have had temperatures in the mid 80's in the spring of 2009. Few people on California's northern coast had air conditioners in their homes in the 1980's. I suspect that has changed now.)
Once again, I can't predict the future and I've never claimed to be able to do so. However, I just have a feeling in the pit of my stomach.. that something is coming our way and its going to be something that will forever change the way the human race lives. I know there are those of you who like to "speculate" on things of this subject.. and don't believe that anything is going to happen. All I have to say to you non-believers is, when a big event DOES come.. and it will come eventually, don't come running to my hideout.

That's all. I just want to help people prepare for the worse. Why? Well, simple.. because whenever we prepare for the worse.. we're prepared for whatever may come our way. Like I've always said, I live by the motto "better safe than sorry."