i am a mich med marijuana provider. in march i hit my full load of patients and needed a bigger place to grow. well i knew another caregiver who has a black thumb and all the room in the world (18,800 sq.ft.) and the equipment to go with it.. well he came to me with a offer i couldnt refuse. he would supply all the funds if i put in the time and brain work for a 50-50 split. well i went 7 days a week to tend to our gardens. next thing i know it is race season boat season and vacation time for him. two weeks after i moved 144 plants into flower he decided he isnt going to spend any more money on nutes. well everyone knows what happens when you dont feed plants in full flower indoors nutes DEATH...... now to put them icing on the cake. i begged and begged for a/c i got this.

the stupid bastard opened my sealed room and put this fan in the door sucking air from the machanics garage Dumb Bastard.... well my temps hit 124 degrees and he couldnt figure out why every thing was dying. ok so i spend the next week flushing plants and trying to save what i could.. this is a pic of strawberry cough one week after the super high temps..

there was nothing i could do for the flowering plants i lost all 144. i save most of my vegging plants and clones. well the next round in flower went great stayed healthy and full. i went in to the shop 3 weeks ago to all the flowering plants one week from harvest GONE he loaded them all in his trailer and dipped to tennesee and left me with a few vegging plants and some lights.. i guess it is a good thing i made some dissapear and put the outdoors...

atleast i have these to look forward to come nov.
well im back in my shed when i get thing going good again i will continue to update this journal...