2010 W. WA outdoor UrbanGuerilla Grow - Blue Dog, Sweet Tooth, Og Kush, Unknown


Well-Known Member
OK here i go again. This year i started my plants off late, first one sprouted may 14th. others are a week or less apart, indoor for two weeks than outside towards the end of may to the beginning of June. Until recently weather has been less than ideal. Temps were below average for this time of year, should be mid to low 70's, and has been extremely WET after having a relativley dry winter. Weather is just returning to normal with more wetness in the forecast. Only had to water plants twice. Once recently since the rain stopped and once just to feed them, mother nature took care of the rest.

I have two plots. I am able to visit one more frequently than the other. I am growing in miracle grow basic potting soil and using the basic fox farms nutes. And i'm doing a combo of topping/ fimming/ and lst. one plant im letting grow naturally.


You sure about using MG. Never seen anything good come from it.
He said usen MG potting soil not MG itself.... i use MG organic potting mix on my outdoors, already pulled 6 zips my first outdoor grow, from 2 plants i put out early in the season around may


Well-Known Member
notice the pennies to prevent slugs. so far slug control has been a daily battle.

Plot #1

1 Og kush: topped at 3 nodes
1 Blue Dog: topped at 3 nodes.
1 Unknown Sativa/Indica: topped at 2 nodes
1 Unknown mostly Sativa: not topped

Pictures were taken June 1st



Well-Known Member
You sure about using MG. Never seen anything good come from it.
im a broke ass young adult and cant afford more than a few bags or anything fancy. i got 3 bags for 35 with a 4 dollar rebate for each. try getting that much FFOF for less than 40 bucks. look at all my previous grows they used mg soil. never had any nute burn from it as long as you use your other chems responsibly and flush responsibly when the time comes. i have used MG fertz before. i dont recommond that unless you want your weed to burn harsh. trying to keep a joint lit with weed grown in MG fertz is a battle all in it's own. just wait till you see my most recent pictures before you start hating on the miracle grow..


Well-Known Member
Plot #1 6/29
Og Kush: tied down all branches to form an even canopy, and fimmed the main tops.

Blue Dog: slug damage slowed growth. tied down branches.

Unknown Sativa/Indica: tied branches to even canopy. deer tore a branch off. took 3 clones from torn branch. topped a few of the taller tops.

Unknown mostly Sativa: showed female pre-flowers on 6/28. still untopped. receives less light than other plants.



Well-Known Member
Plot #2 6/29 all plants have been ravaged by slugs. first time watered/feeding since being indoors.

1 Sweet Tooth:only a foot tall. received the worst slug damage, pic 1 and 2

2 Sweet Tooth:stretching more than others. possible male trait? pic 3

Blue Dog: mild slug damage. pic 4 and 5



Well-Known Member
Hey thats a big harvest right on. First time I ever head anything good about MG soil.
He said usen MG potting soil not MG itself.... i use MG organic potting mix on my outdoors, already pulled 6 zips my first outdoor grow, from 2 plants i put out early in the season around may


Well-Known Member
Take a quart milk jug and bury it to the rim, then pour one beer in, next day floating snails/slugs/yuch
i tried beer in small dishes. fucking deer or raccoons kicked it over at night. beer is hard for me to come by i have to get it like i get my weed (black market), wont be like that in another month tho.

i also tried using oats. supposedly when the slug eats it the oats expands in their stomach and kills them by blowing there stomach up. raccoons picked up every bit of the oats i scattered around.

when i get more beer ill be creating a trap that rain cant get into but slugs can.


Well-Known Member
Wal Mart and simple slug bait. Last 2 weeks and really rocks them. I mean they eek die over night. Also piss in a milk jug and add some raw eggs, wait a few days then put that around grow area (not plants) and that will deter deer.


Well-Known Member
im ready to curb stomp a deer. went out to plot #1 to find one of my OG Kush's branches broken. the tops were already wilting. o well lets see if i can get roots on a cutting limper then my dick. so far im at 8 wins and 0 losses as far as my cloning skills go.


Well-Known Member
Plot #1 7/7
All Plants: FEMALES!!!!!

Is it something i'm feeding these things? Not a single male. Lucky me!

Weather is finally great! it hit 90's last week with more sun in the forecast and cooler temps from 70-80 perfect.

Anyone like beer slug soup? I did put out some beer slug traps. I have three traps and every morning i find 5-10 slugs ranging in the size of a finger to a finger nail in each trap. then the 80+ degree sun comes out and practically boils the beer and has all kinds of funky floating around in it.

Plot #2 Is getting neglected. I'm supposed to have a partner on that one but he's not all that motivated to maintain these bitches. So unless he starts wanting to go and water em with me I have abandoned the second plot. Slugs have probably destroyed it anyway. Plot #1 on the other hand is all mine i'm not sharing that one with anyone.

My clones were doing alright but then some of them started to get root rot. Today i transplanted four of them into the ground with some native soil since i'm still too broke to afford any type of soil. Threw one away because slugs were nibbling on it and the rot was too much to recover from. Saved my best blue dog clone for a friend.



Well-Known Member
Plot #1 7/19 Quick update
OG Kush(pic 1):LST

Blue Dog(pic 2):LST finally growth has caught up to the others after it was traumatized by the attack of the slugs

Unknown(pic 3):LST

Unknown(pic 4): 5ft tall

OG Kush clones(pic 5): these clones are the ones that the deer riped off. at first they were limp then threw them in my homemade clone dome and perked right up.

weather is overcast during the day sunny in the evening.

