2000watt electrical ?


Active Member
So i am about to be setting up my grow in two weeks. I am going to be running a 24 ebb bucket system, 2x 1000 watt lights, 2x 6" vortex fans.. I have some ? about electrical. Is this too much to run in 1 bed room in a 3br house? will i have to do any kind of wire or changing of breakers? it would be nice if i could run all this on the circuits in the room, let me know your thoughts thanks.


open up your panel and see what amperage the circuts are, youd prolly need some outlets in a room run off a 30 amp to run all that stuff, but its pretty cheap/ not too hard to add a couple of circuts and outlets your self, i added 3 to mine with no problems and im pretty scared of electricity lol

just throw the main breaker before you mess around :)
agree with whats above....are the 1000w's digital or core? 240 or 120v? A ballast running on 120 draws nearly twice the amps as running 240


Active Member
If the ballasts are magnetic, then each of the 1000w systems pulls about 9amps. So just the lights pull more than half the power ran to the room. Usually there are two rooms per breaker (usually 30amps). So as long as nothing is running in the other room attached to that same breaker and the fans and pumps don't pull more than 10amps combined then you should be fine.


Active Member
If the ballasts are magnetic, then each of the 1000w systems pulls about 9amps. So just the lights pull more than half the power ran to the room. Usually there are two rooms per breaker (usually 30amps). So as long as nothing is running in the other room attached to that same breaker and the fans and pumps don't pull more than 10amps combined then you should be fine.

Usually 30 amps? Seriously, I have never been in a house with 30 amp breakers for bedrooms. It's going to be 15 amps in most older homes and probably 20 in the newer ones but you'll have to check your box and know where all the outlets for that circuit are so you don't actually pull off of it somewhere else and blow your breaker.

For 2k watts, I guarantee you'll need to create a new circuit, or split the usage between 2 circuits which wouldn't be optimal for as much juice as your talking.

What kind of cooling will you be using? Venting the hoods or portable ac or ???? You're looking at drawing alot more than 2k watts so just be prepared.
You will draw about 9 amps per light. What we did was to run a separate box off the main breaker, and bolt the box next to the original on the wall. You have to tap directly into the hot main line to do this, and I don't remember or want to specify the details, because I had help. Suffice to say it is the one line that comes in through the wall from outside, and is always hot (unless shut off from the pole). You have to run a main, thick gauge wire from this to your extra box. That box we wired with 2 switches. Both were doubles and carried 20 amps a piece, for a total of 80 amps of reliable, safe power. From these breakers, through the ceiling, you run your (I believe) 20 gauge, or is it 10...well suffice to say, look up what gauge you want to carry 20 amps per line safely.

This line is going to run to your grow area, where you will install outlets, one for each line. Therefore each outlet will reliably carry 20 amps, or ten per plugin (assuming two plugins). This should be enough to run 2x 1kw lights off each outlet, with a margin of safety of 1 ampere.

This is pure analogy and is hypothetical. But it may help.

This is the safest way, but you must know what you are doing, for there is risk of electrocution. It is best to do on your own though, just read up first thoroughly, maybe buy insulated engineers gloves....

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well as nice as just cganing a breaker sounds its not that easy it has to do with the gauge of the wireing to can u get away with it probly is it a good idea to run 2 1000watters on anything less that 12g wire no. here is what i do to fix this problem without haveing to do to much fucking around. if ur places is wired like most ur recp. and lights should be on to dif lines because if some plugged in a hair dryer the lights would flick some i just take the light fixture out of the cealing and replace it with a recp box and this should give u 2 sep lines to check this plug alight ur something into the wall and turn the cieling light on and go hit the breakers and see if 1 or the other shut off without out both going off hope this helps u


Well-Known Member
I was blowing my fuses every time I vacuumed in another room until I figured out that someone had wired my bedroom on two different circuits depending on what plugs I used. I ended up just using two different plugs in my closet to power the ballasts, once I got the two from being on the same circuit It stopped blowing the fuse when using another high power device on same. It may be easier to just run a cord from a socket in the other room that is not on same circuit just to get the lights on two different. If you can plug your shit up and vacuum your good, simpler test then killing yourself tapping a main line just for a bit more, I could see if your running 5 1000w which i would not do in 3 bedroom as you will want to keep under 3000KWH per month 1000 per bedroom is fine over that is way above average usage.