2 weeks into flowering


Active Member
first time growing..these plants are 7 weeks old 2 weeks into the flowering and i was wondering how you guys thought they were doing i cant really tell if they are male or female yet..any feedback would be nice


Well-Known Member
Pictures aren't good enough for me to tell. Try the first picture again but closer in (it may get blurry if you don't have a really nice camera).

What kinda lights are you using? The plants seem kinda stretched and barren, so I'm guessing the lighting isn't strong enough. Or maybe just too far away.


Well-Known Member
7 weeks old and the plant is only on it's 3rd node? This must be a CFL grow. However many you have, triple it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would have to agree with smartfood on that one. get more light in there. shud get yourself a hps 400w or sumthing similar.. 1 wouldnt cost that much to run on 12/12. i run 2 400w hps and i use around 3 uk pounds a day but thats coz i use aditional heaters coz its cold here at the moment..

how many and what lights are you using and how close are they...
do you know wot ur temps are and humidity.. what are you feeding it.???

if its female you shud see a single calyx with 2 white hairs popin out from it at the nodes... if its male then it will get balls at the nodes and lots of them.. males will sometimes show earlier than the females and can grow fast n stretched. we need more info so we can help you out..


Well-Known Member
Yea I don't think it's showing sex yet, and it probably won't, because it's probably not mature enough yet. You need to amp that lighting up, or else you won't get any results at all. Invest in a bunch of CFLs - that thing needs waaaay more light. At 7 weeks it should be so much bushier or taller than that. Plus those lights need to be closer (3" from the tops of the plants). And beyond week 4 you should be giving nutes at 1/4 strength.