2 Weeks in , Help!

I noticed the problem occurring about a week ago. I had given it nutrients, but since I was thinking possible nute burn and refilled my res with pH adjusted water. Since than a few things have changed. I tried to get more circulation within the room by opening doors, and for awhile I had a fan on it so I angled it up towards the light.

Temp: 80 degrees sometimes 90
Rh: 50%
pH: Was 7.02 in the water, and within the pellets 6.20. I added 3.5 tsp of pH down which brought it around 5.6
Lighting: Was about 21 inches above, raised it to 23
Nutrients: None

Tips/edges of the leaves are dry turning yellow/brown while the rest of the leaf feels soft.
Here are some pics, what do you guys think?

mms_picture_2 (1).jpgmms_picture_1 (1).jpgmms_picture (3).jpg