2 weeks and a half old from sprout. Leaves yellowish help

mark davies

Active Member
n you help me please. 1st grow... 2 plants are 2 and a half weeks old. As you can see yellowing at the bottom... they were in a small pot with rubbish soil.. ive transplanted into these finishing pots with good soil ... growth will be a little slower due to bigger pot i know that. Just wondering are these healthy ? Small for 2 and a half weeks?



Well-Known Member
Look fine. Pinch off those couple of yellowing bottom leaves and add 1" of good soil on top.

You said you had shit soil to begin with so I would add some fert to the water next watering, start at 25% recommended and go up to 50% next watering.

mark davies

Active Member
No started adding a tiny bit of nut yesterday and will do every other water at a weak strength atm. They was turning yellow before i repotted them. Using plangron mix, added little nute to them.


Well-Known Member
When young cannabis doesn't have enough nitrogen, it feeds off of itself. The bottom leaves yellow and die, a bit of fertilizer and they will be fine.

mark davies

Active Member
I have about 4ft height... generally i would like 6 ounces off both together. Im using a 150w hm light atm but will be using 250w hps for flowering