2 week old seedlings don’t look so good??

Hey y’all.
my purple Kush look rough. Seed went directly into rockwool about 2 weeks ago. Transplanted into soil a week later. Soil consists of peat moss, humus, compost, perlite, blood meal. 4x4x8 tent with two philizon 600w lights, both veg and bloom lights on (probably less than 600w, I know).

18/6 light. Water ph’d to 6.5. Soil not ph’d (I’ve used the same soil for other babies that loved it).

4 days ago the leaves looked droopy so I watered. The cup is STIlLL heavy and soil is moist/hard. I have not watered since. Usually, I water every once every few days when the soil dries out and becomes light and airy.

any thoughts?



Weed Modifier
Never water soil if its wet, let dry or you'll hurt your plants. Seedling will take at least a week to dry in that cup.