2 random seeds (1 indica 1 sativa) gime me some tips pls


hey guys, just posting some pics of my babies(indica with 2 months and the sativa with 3) , im seeing now the sativa one more like light green and some bottom yelloing, they are on organic soil, help me out pls dudes! have a good day/night :D



Active Member
I had the same thought Beast :)) The pale green one looks more indica than the bushier one which has narrower blades. All in all i think you have 2 hibrids there with different phenos :).
Keep growing!


hmm, i got confused but now i got it, just thought the leaves from sativa will grow more "fat" but it is typical on indicas as i search . thanks for the tips and help. Hug potters!


Hey guys, i really need some help from you, i spotted already some balls on my sativa one and hairs on the indica, the sativa one its stronger than the older and with so many leaves, i rly thought that was a female. Im a little bit sad right now :\. what should i do now my potters of knowledge? split them? i dont have so many space to separate them :s help me here pls.


New Member
soorry for replying late.. if you havent alrdy then do so kill the male plant all of it! not just one part of the plant but the plant itself destroy it before it pollinates ur females and destroys wat u have

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Kill the male carefully if pollen sacks are developed. Place in plastic bag then cut bottom stalk. This will help you from spreading pollen.