2 quick questions

hi i just need to know 2 things
1-when fluhing a plant at the end of flowering is it better to flush with just water or a chemical flushing product?

2-my plant has 4weeks of flowering left should i start taking her leaves off so she concentrates on the buds or will this just stress her and if not now when do i do this?

thanks to anyone that can help


Well-Known Member
1) is this hydro or soil?

2) you can trim up some of the bottom leaves that arn't getting any light, but do NOT remove all the fan leaves...


Well-Known Member
flushing is a corrective measure...also can be used when using specific fertilizer schedules to remove the "vegitation" nutrients from the soil and start in on the "bloom" nutes...if the soil has plenty of nutrients in it there isn't a need to flush...you just add in the nutrients you think its needing(like more P/K for flowering)...the only times you NEED to flush is when you have too many nutrients in the soil and you need to get em out...so...did you overnute your soil to begin with? :D
this is for harvesting to get rid o the chemicals that i want to flush. my nutes are fine ive been very careful :) one other thing when should the buds start to thicken i can still see gaps between them n shes in week 7 o flowering


Well-Known Member
this is for harvesting to get rid o the chemicals that i want to flush. my nutes are fine ive been very careful :) one other thing when should the buds start to thicken i can still see gaps between them n shes in week 7 o flowering
This is why I hate giving information to people who don't detail out their entire grow...instead of just one response it takes me several...

We don't know waht you are using for lights, pictures of your grow area, etc, etc, etc...so if you will do us a favor detail it out bro :D
250watt 2spectrum bulb, grow tent is 2mx1.2mx1.2m, pic will need to wait shes sleepin mate also i looked at an older pic the buds are fillin out its just that i see her everyday lol
but i stll need to know about flushin


Active Member
Just use straight ph balanced water to flush your plants before harvest. Only flush for 7-10 days, and then make sure to wait until the soil is good and dry before harvesting. I like to add a little Vitamin B1 to the water my first flush just for good measure.

Once flowering is underway, it's important to avoid stressing the plants. Flowering plants will sometimes become hermaphrodites if put under excessive stress. At this critical stage in its life, don't prune anything that's not at least 60% yellowed. The plant stores energy in its leaves, and if grown properly, it will consume most of those reserves naturally as it nears completion. Trim the lower shoots and leaves at least a week before flowering is induced to allow time for the plants to recuperate.
ok i just read on another post that instead of flushing you can get rid o the chemicals in the soil by just giving the plant plain old water for its last 2weeks of flowering is this true or just bull?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure why you want to starve your plants before you harvest them. Are your buds just getting to big, or to covered in trichomes and you want to slow down it's growth and thc production? Because flushing the nutes out of the soil isn't going to effect whats already in the plant and how it's going to taste/smoke. But do what you wanna do, my only suggestion is do an experiment. Try not flushing one plant if you have multiple and see what the difference in yield, taste, smoke, high between the flushed vs. the non-flushed.


Active Member
ok i just read on another post that instead of flushing you can get rid o the chemicals in the soil by just giving the plant plain old water for its last 2weeks of flowering is this true or just bull?
If you've over-fertilized your soil than you'll need to flush thoroughly with plain water. However, if you just want to sweeten the buds before harvest this is not necessary. Just feed them straight water for the final 7-10 days before harvest and your plants will use most of its available nitrogen naturally.


Active Member
(I bumped a rep. up for you bro.)

No you are in a hurry and obviously impatient. dont worry so much my friend! if you have 4 weeks left to flower lol you have atleast 3 weeks left to feed her. when you check your older growth on the buds with your microscope, achieve your milky or cloudy or amber trichs and start feeding it nothing but water!the last week feed maybe one day and let the soil get shit dry! when your lights come on that day you want to chop it down do it before the lights go off so you get most of the growth that last day. then take it out, cut all the leaves you can off with out trichs and throw away. save your trich covered leaves and cure them with your smoke in a seperate thing. you can make hash with it later! throw em in the freezer after they cure so the trichs break off easier in the screens! there are a couple ways to make hash blah,blah,blah but i suggest curing your leaves with trichs, and put them in the freezer until you have a shitload! if you run out of weed atleast you could rol them up lol. dont read alot into your questions stop freaking out lol! feed your plant a few more weeks flush it with water that means feed them nothing but water instead of food. thats easy open the top and pour until you see water runout! simple, easy peezy lemon squeezy!


Active Member
So if you kno for sure you have 4 weeks left. I suggest feeding them until there is one week left. that last week before the 4th week pops up you should have stopped feeding it. If the fourth week is lets say on a tues. then fri. on the third week it should be the last meal for her. so the next time you were supposed to feed, it should only be plain water. when its time to water again you use water. so hopefully by the fourth week when you want to cut it down you should have flushed it and rinsed it and stopped in time for it to be dry that really also depends on soil and temperature and how fast she dries betweens waterin also! (which really helps drying time!!!)

< Here is the moral of my story: feed up until the third week thats left of flowering.
then stop feeding and only use water(end of third week). the last week I would only water one time and let it go! >

other then what im saying wish I was there to help! im an enthusiast ! lol or atleast very "enthused!" good luck !