2 questions reguarding temps and light schedule

I wanted to ask two questions i have been working on..

When to turn the fans off? My instinct says let them shut off before the light to heat the tent up to sustain higher temps the entire night. Currently I have the fans shut off about 15 min before the lights do at 9 pm. The temps rise from 77*-78* to 83*-84* ( the temps are in this high range for maybe 5 min at most)they then fall to 65*-70* by 9 am when the lights come back on. Does this seem like the best course of action?

My lights are as high as they they can go but the plants are only in their 3rd week of flowering. I have begun bending them down ward to try and train it, but was wondering if I were to reduce the light schedule to say 8 on 16 off; if it would effectively slow verticle growth and promote more resin production during the longer night hours?