2 of 12 plants sagging.. unknown cause... any ideas??


Well-Known Member
i posted this in the hydro section but got no responses.. so im really hoping to get a couple answers..

basically as the title of the thread says, 2 of my 12 plants are sagging/dropping badly...

here is the set up..

ebb and flow with 1 reservoir
floods 4 times daily
ph stays around 5.8 to 6.2
water temp 66
air temp - varries from 65 to 75
ec currently is 1.4 (was at 1.0 before today)

now.. for a couple other pieces of info.. i just switched from veg to flower... and gave the girls 36 hours of dark prior to the flip... going into the 36 hours of dark i changed out the reservoir with a 1/4 strength mix of gro, micro, and bloom for the transition... ph was 5.8 going into the 36 hours of dark...

after they came out of the dark period ph was up to 6.7... like a dumb ass i over adjusted and dropped the ph a whole point... everything looked good coming out of the dark period too.. it wasnt until after the actual start of 12/12 there was a problem...

so here is what i came up with...

1) possible osmotic shock from the huge ph shift after coming out of the dark period..

2) possible shock/stress due to going from 24/0 to 36 hours of dark to 12/12

3) a lack of nutes since the 1/4 strength application for a few days actually acts as a flush...

4) some combination of the above three

here are a couple pics to help... they are 2 different strains... so its not a strain thing.. and as i said they are the only ones acting this way, even tho all the girls get the exact same treatment..

you can see in the pics the droop/sag, and how healthy the plants around them are (shown in the pic with the 2 girls)...

if anyone has any ideas or can confirm anything i would be VERY grateful... i've grown for a few years.. but this is my first hydro grow.. and im not sure why its just those 2 that are acting stupid...





Well-Known Member
mine did the same thing bro when i switched mine and flushed it and thats what i was asking you b4 , and then mine started to canoe as well ( nevilles)


Well-Known Member
you said that your neville had a blockage... these have been flushed the last 5 days... so i dont think or cant figure out how they would get a blockage at all...

they were fine until flowering... no issues at all...

it wasnt until they came out of the dark that whatever happened happened...

its driving me crazy trying to figure this out....


Well-Known Member
its ebb and flow..

runs 4 times a day for 15 minute floods..

i checked to make sure the lines were open and that flooding was happening... which it was...

and as i said there are 12 plants all connected to the same system.. they all get treated 100% identically.. and none of the other plants are acting in any way like these 2....


Well-Known Member
r they diff strains??? perhaps those 2 need diff PPM counts.. thats y hyrdo and sogs r good to deal with 1 strain


Well-Known Member
i posted this in the hydro section but got no responses.. so im really hoping to get a couple answers..

basically as the title of the thread says, 2 of my 12 plants are sagging/dropping badly...

here is the set up..

ebb and flow with 1 reservoir
floods 4 times daily
ph stays around 5.8 to 6.2
water temp 66
air temp - varries from 65 to 75
ec currently is 1.4 (was at 1.0 before today)

now.. for a couple other pieces of info.. i just switched from veg to flower... and gave the girls 36 hours of dark prior to the flip... going into the 36 hours of dark i changed out the reservoir with a 1/4 strength mix of gro, micro, and bloom for the transition... ph was 5.8 going into the 36 hours of dark...

after they came out of the dark period ph was up to 6.7... like a dumb ass i over adjusted and dropped the ph a whole point... everything looked good coming out of the dark period too.. it wasnt until after the actual start of 12/12 there was a problem...

so here is what i came up with...

1) possible osmotic shock from the huge ph shift after coming out of the dark period..

2) possible shock/stress due to going from 24/0 to 36 hours of dark to 12/12

3) a lack of nutes since the 1/4 strength application for a few days actually acts as a flush...

4) some combination of the above three

here are a couple pics to help... they are 2 different strains... so its not a strain thing.. and as i said they are the only ones acting this way, even tho all the girls get the exact same treatment..

you can see in the pics the droop/sag, and how healthy the plants around them are (shown in the pic with the 2 girls)...

if anyone has any ideas or can confirm anything i would be VERY grateful... i've grown for a few years.. but this is my first hydro grow.. and im not sure why its just those 2 that are acting stupid...


i had a plant like that but it wuz just cuz it needed water


Well-Known Member
i have 7 total strains...

1 of the "infected" plants is a super lemon haze.. of which i have 2 more plants... both of which are perfectly fine...

the other is a bluehash plant.. but its the only one of them

i thought about that being a problem at first.. but throughout veg they were fine... and unless those 2 plants have crazy different needs during flowering there shouldnt be any issue..


Well-Known Member
i had a plant like that but it wuz just cuz it needed water
there is a couple inches of water that remains behind.. so the plant always has a little bit of water to drink between floodings..

but they get flooded 4 times daily as is... the other girls i have dont show signs of being underwatered at all... and i have a couple plants that are much larger than the 2 sick ones.. so if they were water starved the larger ones would have/should have shown signs of needing more water first...


Well-Known Member
its been 5 days...

last saturday night i turned the lights off at 10pm and left them off until 10am on monday morning... i always give 36 hours of dark prior to flowering...

after they came out of flowering they were ok... the day after i started 12/12, which was tuesday, they began to show these signs or whatever... and since its worsened..


Well-Known Member
there is a couple inches of water that remains behind.. so the plant always has a little bit of water to drink between floodings..

but they get flooded 4 times daily as is... the other girls i have dont show signs of being underwatered at all... and i have a couple plants that are much larger than the 2 sick ones.. so if they were water starved the larger ones would have/should have shown signs of needing more water first...
from wut i heard flooding isnt that good or sum like that try to water it from the top and see wut happens


Well-Known Member
the question is what are they reacting to??

i can only come up with 3 viable options..

1) osmotic shock from adjusting the ph to much.. after the 36 hours of dark the ph was at 6.7 and i dropped it to 5.8.. which i know better than to do... so if this is the case i deserve it... i just dont know the signs of it and cant find pictures anywhere of it..

2) lack of nutes... since i threw a 1/4 strenght nute solution in it would flush the plants.. which means its been a 5 day flushing... they might be nute starved.. but i dont think that an all around deficiency would cause this.. maybe lose vigor.. but not completely wilt like this.. and so quickly..

3) shock from going from a 24/0 cycle to 12/12 with the 36 hours of dark inbetween... this is really something i dont think is a cause.. maybe just a contributing factor.. but i cant imagine that the light change would stress them this much...


Well-Known Member
well we chated this morning and i think what you was saying is the prob. pythium wilt bro theres no other factor to it .