2 more weeks then harvest!!

Any recommendations on how I can my indoor Harvest to have a rich, sweet, taste? Last harvest was pretty tasty but I didn't try anything to get a better flavor. I have heard of people using a sweetner in the last couple weeks or when they flush......all I want is to get the upmost flavor, smell and overall taste. Any ideas or past successes?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
to get the most flavor out of your buds, you must not harvest early, and you need a proper dry and cure and there you go. there should be no need to add flavoring. different strains will talste different.

what kind of seeds you using? bagseed or bought seeds?


Well-Known Member
grow a healthy plant with non-chemical nutrients

harvest at the right time

dry and cure properly

done, tasty bud

Jar Man

Active Member
"what kind of seeds you using? bagseed or bought seeds?"

A little off subject but I have to ask this. If you have bagseed that's from someone's bought seed, is it really bagseed?

Ponderous, man. Really ponderous.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Jar Man

Active Member
stop feeding it nutes and give it some mollassas insted (if in soil).
Blackstrap molases is what you want if inclined. Can get away with it in hydro at the rate of about 1 tsp/gal but must thoroughly disolve it in a little hot water first or it will gum up the works. Or just use Earth Juice Bio Catalyst that has molases to finish up with.


Well-Known Member
Molasses has shit to do with end flavor... bad advise... you should've been using molasses from the start to feed your mycorrhizae. Flush and harvest when you have about 20% amber +- depending on what you're goal is, dry and cure correctly and you will be good to go.

Jar Man

Active Member
Funny, I've heard otherwise by far more numbers than what you say. Molases does effect the taste. It doesn't mean your bud will taste like molases or sweet from the sugars or anything of the sort. But it certainly does impact the taste for the better by enhancing the terpene production (essential oils, effecting odor and flavor) in the plant. Back to school for you.


Well-Known Member
you heard that from who, the people trying to sell you earth juice lolo,..Molasses feeds the mycorhizae which breaks down nutrients making nutrient uptake easier for the plant.. period.

If you'd like to "school" me please back up your statements with some proof.