2 months into growing,under one light,6 to 7 inches tall... what should i do next?

Dan K is great

Active Member
I have two plants under one 75 wat light i think..it seems to be working they grew a lil, but then i haven't seen much improvement they been about the same hight now for a week. can someone help me out and tell me what i should do next? this is my first time growing, and i have had these plants since the end of september.


Well-Known Member
could also be the size of the pot there in, height is also determined by roots, if the roots have enough space to setttle they will grow niec and healty, if not roots can kill each other off


Well-Known Member
Dude, 75 Watts? Did you read or watch videos prior to starting? You want no less than 2500 Lumens per square foot. Go to Home Depot or Lowes right now and get a 43 watt compact flourescent. They put out close to 3000 lumens and they don't produce heat. You'll see some improvement.

ALSO: Read Widow Makers Grow guide under Newbies LOTS of great info.



Active Member
dan first thing first your lite trash it go get your self F54T5HO for about 35.00 it has 5100 lumens 6500k this is for grow. you can use this from seed to flowering.here a couple of numbers for ya.all seasons- 1-800-790-2188/worms way 1-800-274-9676 worms way has them in 2-3-4'tubes tell them what you need .they take plastic to.www.wormsway.com.also how often you feed and how much and what ,like N,P,K any micro nutes