2 large plants w/ no sex, 1 small female?


Okay, these 3 plants all started as indoor CFL grows, but they started to look really sick so i took them outside. Now 2 of them look healthy as shit, they are a little over 2 feet tall. When I took them outside they were about 6 inches. This was 2 1/2 months ago. Maybe even 3. The only problem is, they are showing NO signs of their sex. I checked the 5th node and everything. Couldn't find anything. I had a male, so i know what they look like (the sacs and everything).

The weird part is that the other plant, remember I have 3, is maybe only 12 inches tall, but she is starting to get her first little bud. It's right on top in the center. Pretty cool.

But anyways, how come my 2 large plants aren't sexed yet? Is there anything wrong with them? Maybe the transport killed a sex gene or something? IDK.


Well-Known Member
Hey BuckboyTn, you don't mention when (and if) they were put into 12/12.

Can you offer any additional info and pics of the plants so that either myself or a more senior member can chime in.

Good luck!
they have got to have 12/12 lighting or they will never trigger to flower. since its summer right now and they are out side then they will continue vegging till fall.


I heard you can black bag a limb & force flower, But you have to be dilagent about it & the bag cant leak light


Well-Known Member
BuckboyTn: In order to initiate the "Flowering" process, you need to flip it to 12/12.

Sorry Bro, if that's news to you; you've got ALOT of reading ahead of you!

Good luck!