2% germ rate?????


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever get some seeds off of a plant and try to replant them and have 1 out of 50 pop a root? 25 in a wet paper towel and 25 in a water soak..... 1 popped a root
Towels should be damp not wet. They should be on a plate with a bowl over them to keep moisture high. The temps should be around 76-78 degrees. If you are going to soak seeds in water it's only for a short period of time. I soak mine for about 3 hours. Then they should be moved to towels as stated above. It sounds maybe the seeds never dried completely or they weren't stored properly. Obviously on sight of tap root they should be moved to their medium.
Yea that's what I did... I soaked longer than that... up to 36 hours at this point I was just waiting to see if anything would happen I've got plenty of seeds to try but idk.. how long do you let them dry out for?
Yea that's what I did... I soaked longer than that... up to 36 hours at this point I was just waiting to see if anything would happen I've got plenty of seeds to try but idk.. how long do you let them dry out for?
You dry the seeds with the buds. When the buds are ready to smoke. The seeds are ready to plant.
You dry the seeds with the buds. When the buds are ready to smoke. The seeds are ready to plant.

yeah, sometimes fresh seeds can be a bitch to crack ime... sometimes they need a bit of a "cure" for them to better crack, again, ime..
you could also try and scuff them up a bit with the sand papper in a match box trick and see if that doesn't up your percentages..
Thanks! It's been about 2 weeks now so I'm going to take another 50 and pop them in some coco see what happens if that don't work this time then ill try again in a week or so
Seeds need to mature a bit before they become viable. Putting them in the fridge for a few weeks can help. If seeds were viable at harvest, they would germ in the fall outdoors when they dropped. But no, they don't go off until spring.
Seeds need to mature a bit before they become viable. Putting them in the fridge for a few weeks can help. If seeds were viable at harvest, they would germ in the fall outdoors when they dropped. But no, they don't go off until spring.
Gotcha thanks looks like a new seed order coming up tonight.
Best success I have had is just putting them in some seedling mix, like you would any plant. Keep at right temp and humidity. Gold.
I tried that... how long do you wait to see if they crack? They have been in there for about 36 hours not 1 single tap root
All I do is put them in a glass of water for 24 hrs then plant them in whatever medium I'm using seedling usually shows about 2-3 days after so I'm basically germing in soil nature's way haha the only bad part is the temptation to look at it but it'll show
put in moist paper towel, folded, not too close to each other. in an open ziploc at 80-82°...this is optimum temp and conditions
the cup of water thing will lower rates, is bad for the seed which is actually still completing gas exchange and is living. can also increase the chances of old stock molding.

fresh seeds wont pop, give about 3 months or longer . on a side note, breeders that give out batches with bad rates and people complaining they are old, is usually because they are too fresh. most of my seeds are very old. cannabis seeds do not need to be frozen or anything special before germing.
you should keep the seeds while waiting at room temp and in an open container, rh between 30-40 is best.
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But have you done it with fresh seeds?
Lots of water for new seeds can be its bane......since they are already loaded up internally...

The soak method was really developed for Older seeds that had desiccated. Years old seeds that needed a good pulse....

Right into soil, just like nature, is where I put New new seeds with better results than cup dropping or toweling. :peace:

[but there could be literally a hundred reasons why they didn't go off.....]
Lots of water for new seeds can be its bane......since they are already loaded up internally...

The soak method was really developed for Older seeds that had desiccated. Years old seeds that needed a good pulse....

Right into soil, just like nature, is where I put New new seeds with better results than cup dropping or toweling. :peace:

[but there could be literally a hundred reasons why they didn't go off.....]
Well I got up to about 16% on the soak method and I'm a few days into a soil start as well and I'm already seeing about 20% so I think that was the problem I used the wrong r method and should have just kept it simple.... thanks everyone for your input