2 awing 600watt lights over 50plants what do you think


:weed:i am thinking of doing a grow of 50 cheese and ill have 2x 600 watt lights with awings what do you think.....i no idealy you would want more but thats all i have at the min.... it prob wouldnt be 50 prob 40 depending on the room...i just wanna no wanna no what you think about the whole thing.............:leaf::clap:


Active Member
light movers or more bulbs - no way it's happening for 50 even 40 with1200w of bulb afraid, go for 15-20 in smaller area flowered early;)

Emerald Isles

Active Member
1.2m tents fits 50 girls perfectly under 2 x 600w HPS in cool tubes, no heat issues and hope to pull 1oz per .. it can be done, SOG with 10days of veg, harvest 1st Jan :-)