2/3 Plants hermied on me. Should I keep or trash?

So 2 of my 3 plants are turning to hermi's around 3-4 weeks into flowering. I have a dilemma because I could trash the 2 hermi's and have one full female plant and get good bud. Or later down the road the 3rd plant turns hermi and I have nothing. Or if I keep the hermi's I will have 3 plants but will be lesser bud quality due to the pollination of the plants. I am trying to decide the best situation. Any opinions?
I would start over, its a bummer but rather then wasting a month or more, start over. And don't stress your ladies next time unless you like smoking seeds. ;-)


New Member
i would say let them grow and go out with smokin a joint with a bang :)) but really you could sex them and re try next grow