2 10 by 10 rooms how much light is needed?


Well-Known Member
I have two rooms, both 10 by 10 (one is more like 10 by 12). Right now I have 1 1000w HPS in the flower room. I have 2 four foot fluorescent fixtures that hold two bulbs each, two lamps that have 2 way splitters and CFL bulbs for the veg room. is this enough? I am hopefully going to be able to get 1 or 2 1000w HID ballasts and fixtures and bulbs for the veg room, and an additional 250-600w HPS for the flower room, and at that point would disperse the CFLs and fluorescents evenly between the two rooms. can any one break down how that all works out? is what I have now adequate for 18 seedlings 10-25 clones in the veg room and 7 or 8 in the flower room?


Well-Known Member
yeah man u would have enough it will be enough dont worry those 1000 watter let alot of juice out


Active Member
you would need to do the maths, but a 1000 should be enough for the time being. (or 2 x 430w hehe )