1st timer, i think i have a mutant?


Well-Known Member
hey guys new to growing and this website.
i started growing about 2 weeks ago.
my setup is,
125watt 6500k cfl
GH Flora series
small humidifier
small heater controlled by thermostat.
small clip on fan
1 plant seems to be doing very well. The other one has gatta be a mutant or something. the new growth seems more normal but still weird.
Please tell me whats up with it and what i should do if i should even keep it. also when should i introduce neuts to the healthy one?



Well-Known Member
okay thank you very much, will go purchase a ph meter. Should i get a water or soil ph meter? i water with only distilled water.


Active Member
get a ph meter there like 20 bucks i think alil more maybe.... and get the ph kit ( up and down ) so you can get your levels right....

use tap water out ya faucet and let sit 24 hours so chlorine comes out!

if soil, youll want it at 6.5 use just a few drops a gal in only water, the up and down solutions are strong...


Active Member
and dont forget the ph calibrating solutions 7 and 4... with the lil screw driver in the ph meter box there should come 1


Active Member
^ true but hey atleast we are leading em in the right direction for anytime further into growin


Active Member
once you get you ph meter and up and down..you need to check the run off after you water you plants..then make your adjustment

you could have a ph of 6.5 in your water but once you water you plant and check the run off it could be 7.8


Well-Known Member
Actually maybe even smaller than a 1 gallon. Then when there ready, transplant into their final home which could be a 3-5 gal container. The container has nothing to do with whatever is wrong with that one plant, it could be just poor genetics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys. Bought a ph meter and ph up/down. The seeds are bagseeds nothing special, waiting for a few greenhouse co strains to come in the mail as well. I agree with the pots but they were in solo cups and root bound already so i transplanted them.

So let me get this straight. i water with distilled, test the runoff, then adjust to 6.5, right? im in soil with no neuts yet. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Yes, I believe. You don't have to overthink it man. keep it simple, I'm a noob myself but have seen and learned from serious growers with years of knowledge. You just fill an empty 1 gallon Poland springs bottle with tap water, then let it sit with the cap off for 1 or 2 days. That way it gets rid of the chlorine and other nasty shit in our water. That's all you have to do man. Definitely try to get a ph of 6.5 or 7. If your going to add nutes, I'd say add half of the recommended dose for a while, that way your plants get used to the nutes. Good luck and good grow. Keep us posted, I'm just getting started myself. Peace- Dividedsky