1st time try....


Well-Known Member
So here is my journal for my first time try. I've already been posting in the newbie section for help but decided to update through this journal now. Alittle history... the smaller plants I've been growing since April in dixie cups (why so small) since about 3weeks ago, I got them from bagseed, their five other bros & sis have since passed. I love these two because they are true warriors. The biggest of the three I found growing on the roof of the building next to me in leaf compost(someone must of tossed some seeds) she (hopefully) was about to die right when I found her cause the soil was only an inch thick. I grabbed her and kept her in the same compost which is really good. They started outdoors but I decided to bring them in to monitor them better. I just came out of a bad hurdle with my to smallest ones because they started to droop n lose color in the soil I bought from the hardware store(Ace pottin soil), I went against some good advice and decided to transplant in more leaf compost I grabbed from the roof. As you can see they are pulling through this hurdle now to my amazement(their warriors!!!) Im am now trying to control some fungus Gnats with Permethrin, shouldn't be a problem. I'm hoping for the best and look forward to cloning (females) and continuing there breed. Their names are Skunky(biggest), Aunty(medium height) Sis(smallest). So here we go... wish me luck. I will update with photos regularly with concerns, problems and growths. I am currently using cfls and a 48" fluros for Veg. Any feedback much appreciated, I will also contribute my knowledge. Thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
I came across two 400 watt ballasts for 25.00 a piece. These can even run a 1000 watt HPS per manual. So I grabbed them and used alittle Macgyver skills too rig a remote ballast. I used an old oven hood that has a fan which is running to draw away the heat. I bought a 400 watt HPS light. I spraypainted the underhood flat white to reflect better. All in all I spent about 75.00 for two ballast, light, wiring. Looks like the girls are loving it and the closet looks alot cleaner without all those wires. Much props to cfls though they got me this far.
Any advice on how far the light should be from them? I also have the other ballast for sale(one is all I need) so shoot me a msg if you might be interested.

*note* this thing is KICKING out so many lumens that the pics look like they are being taking from behind a blind.
**note** how often should I mist cuttings?


Well-Known Member
Hey man i think your pots are way too small. Gently lift them out and see if the roots are starting to wrap around the sides of the pot. If they are i would suggest transplanting them into bigger pots.

Good luck bro keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
Yea I transplanted into 3 gallon pots about 10 days ago. Thanks for looking out though. I update more in my newbie thread cause I get more replies (FYI)



Well-Known Member
So here is my journal for my first time try. I've already been posting in the newbie section for help but decided to update through this journal now. Alittle history... the smaller plants I've been growing since April in dixie cups (why so small) since about 3weeks ago, I got them from bagseed, their five other bros & sis have since passed. I love these two because they are true warriors. The biggest of the three I found growing on the roof of the building next to me in leaf compost(someone must of tossed some seeds) she (hopefully) was about to die right when I found her cause the soil was only an inch thick. I grabbed her and kept her in the same compost which is really good. They started outdoors but I decided to bring them in to monitor them better. I just came out of a bad hurdle with my to smallest ones because they started to droop n lose color in the soil I bought from the hardware store(Ace pottin soil), I went against some good advice and decided to transplant in more leaf compost I grabbed from the roof. As you can see they are pulling through this hurdle now to my amazement(their warriors!!!) Im am now trying to control some fungus Gnats with Permethrin, shouldn't be a problem. I'm hoping for the best and look forward to cloning (females) and continuing there breed. Their names are Skunky(biggest), Aunty(medium height) Sis(smallest). So here we go... wish me luck. I will update with photos regularly with concerns, problems and growths. I am currently using cfls and a 48" fluros for Veg. Any feedback much appreciated, I will also contribute my knowledge. Thanks for reading.
i think i remember you finding that roof one good luck to you man..she looks good


Well-Known Member
Yea what were the chances... she is huge compared to my two that I started from seeds. I still ask myself what are the actual chances of me finding a bud plant on a abandoned roof.


Well-Known Member
So I just started FLOWER. Wish me luck. Photo updates, sex, gonna be available. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
I have confirmed that Aunty is a female!!! I see 2 white hairs growing out from the upper nodes. Hell ya! As for Skunky & Sis I have yet to determine their sex. I can see something that would resemble a nut sack but its only been 3 days so I'll give them more time. I figured all plants are different as in humans so Aunty just showed first cuz of genetics(aunty & sis are from same bagseed) I really want skunky to become a bitch because of her vigourous growth and size.
Question.... If Skunky turns out to be a male what would ya'll do? Pollenate female(free seeds,good genes) still get high with seedy bud and try again-- or -- kill em off, stick with fem for some better weed without seeds(buy some to try again) Rep points for opinions.


Well-Known Member
Its all up to you bro. I had that same delima about three weeks ago. I pulled my males, and now regret it. But its all up to you like I said, I think I am going to buy fresh seeds if I can! Its all in my journal...


Well-Known Member
Man... I know. Still up in the air with me but thanks bro for you Op. Says I gotta spread some more rep points out before i can give you more(i gotch ya though) So more Op's please gimme a hand here everyone.


Well-Known Member
well, if it helps... one thing that helped weigh my decision is that if you want to get seeds, and decent smoke, your pest bet is to completely isolate the male, collect pollen, and only release the pollen on a couple lower branches of the female. I have seen this work before, there is a specific method to do it, so that the rest of your female buds are sensimillia (non-seeded buds). I didn't want to donate the time and energy into making sure the male/s were completely isolated (I considered just making the Forbidden Treasure that turned out to be male, into a houseplant (but with the A/C on and the wind here I think that the pollen would have spread to the entire crop), so I didn't keep them. I made brownies out of the leaves, and gave them away at a BBQ (only to verified patients of course, ;). Basically my understanding is that you collect the pollen, dispose of the rest of the male plant, put the pollen into an air tight bag, and lightly secure the bag over the portion of the female plant that you want to seed. You leave it there until you can no longer see the yellow pollen in the bag, and carefully remove it after like 12-24 hours (not 100% sure on how long you are supposed to leave the bag on for, sorry). I might be mistaken, and you might have to leave the bag on until the seeds are mature and you harvest the branch/branches that you have seeded. I will look into it more, just to be sure about how long to leave the bag on. Like I said, I have seen it done before... just a long time ago... lol, learned it from this real old school cat that does something a little bit similar to what I am going to be doing once everything is completely set up... he started doing it again too, as we had all noticed that after about the 4th-6th generation of cloning, the plants become less resilient, vigorous, and the bud less dense, stinky, and stony.
Eventually I will be using this method, hopefully with the seedlings that I have going now (that is if I can get the wife to donate our walk in shower, lol)... as long as your happy though... it doesn't seem like people are very much into giving a whole lot of feedback or info in the last few days... don't worry about the rep, its not a big deal to me at all... but the gesture is greatly appreciated, and the comment.


Well-Known Member
Awesome advice dragon. I just wish I had the space to do something like that. So I guess I'll just have to weigh my options in the next couple weeks. Regardless of the outcome I am satisfied that I can see this grow till the end with my confirmed mom. I'll keep this updated with my decision... stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
So today I confirmed that both Skunky & Sis were both males with big ass balls!!! I made the decision to cut them down :sad:
Today is a very sad day for me because I really put alot of time and care into them two... On the upside Aunty is doing good and I also took a cutting from her before flowering.
*question* is it possible to take another cutting from her 6 days into flower?


Well-Known Member
condolences, i killed my two boys last week and nearly cried at the funeral. yes, you can pull a clone at 6 days flowering. the sooner the better.