1st time Micro Grow with Bagseed


Wsup people,

I really wanted to do a pc grow, but couldnt find a pc for less than $45.... so I got McGuyver-ish and decided to recycle this old woden crate I had chillin in my garage.

The crate is 19x12x17, painted flat white.

I have three bagseeds that I germed and transplanted (I'm a little late starting this it's actually day 3 since sprouting for me).

I have no idea what they are, but i thought they'd be a good way to work out the kinks for a first grow, and if I get something out of it, cool.

I don't have any fans yet (ordered fans and a power source online two days ago) so to make up for ventilation I made a thick white curtain for the front of the crate, helps keep the temp down and light in.

I have a terrarium thermometer and light switch timer fromo Petsmart (ha ha). And 1 27 watt daylight cfl and a 23 watt soft light. I have another daylight bulb on hand, just wasnt sure if it would be better to mix or put just daylights, any advice?

Got the seeds growing in clear (i know some people dont like these but it'll help me know when to transplant) 14oz plastic cups. Medium is black gold mixed 2:1 with perlite. Lightly watering only when dirt gets dry (it hasn't really done that yet).

All the sprouts are 1/2'' tall and 2 1/2'' from the lights.

Any comments or tips would be awesome.

Pictures are from day 1 to now (day 3).

I had one snag that I was wondering if anyone had advice. Everything is going pretty smoothly, only I woke up this morning (lights are out from 12am to 6am, and the grow box was 64 degrees!! Any solutions for keeping it warm when lights are out? Thanks




Not too much happening here.
Plants a little taller.

Put a small blanket over the box after lights out and it worked to keep the temperature at a constant 76.5 degrees all night.

So tempted to water again (misted them a bit with an atomizer yesterday). I know most newbs over water, but seeing the top layer dry just bugs me, oh well :-|

Here's a picture. Xena caught up with other two seeds very nicely in one day.



Sooo. a few things going on today.

Doing more and more research, not finding answers to all my questions. But this is supposed to be a learning experience, so here I go.

Added my second 27 Watt daylight cfl. So now I'm at 2x27w daylights and 1x23w softlight.

One of my sprouts (Roxy) is having some issues. I found one tiny black bug, skinnier than a flea but about the same sized. Squished it. Haven't found any others, I was pretty ocd about looking. And she also has burnt (?) brown tips on her fan leaves - I took a picture. Any advice would be awesome!

I can see one thin tiny roots at the bottom of each of my cups. Wait for more to show before I transplant. I can't figure out what size I should go to next?

Here are some pictures. Sorry for the fuzzy ones, camera doesn't like macro shots.



Sooo. I'm planning some construction for the box. The fans finally came in the mail, so did the power source. I'm going to wire them drill some air holes where the fans will go, and temporarily ghetto rig them.

I have a circular saw I need to borrow to make the permanent holes for the box, so that'll be a later project.

I think the timer I have has issues, sometimes it goes off at the correct time, otherwise I have to tap it to make it shut off. Might have to invest in a better one.

I'll be transplanting into 1g containers soon, watered a little today. They dry up so quickly for how young they are, but I do see a lot of root growth.

Here are some pictures from day 7 & 8.



Well-Known Member
Looks good!:hump: Thats a good setup. With the fans in place everything should be just right.

I'll try to answer some of your questions.

adding the 3rd light is fine. At this age they are growing more roots than leaves and stem. You are close to were they are going to be needing the other light so just leave it.

Question on your lights. They should have a K (kelvin) rating. What is yours? There are typicaly 3 different 6500K is best for veg. 2600k is best for flower. mixing them is great. The 3rd is 4100K it's not good for much.

I was wondering, are you planning to LST? You should transplant right befor you need to start. On the watering you should let them dry out, no mater how hard it is:wall: The root need air to breath, wet soil doesn't allow air in. You might want to put a few holes in the bottom of the cup. Then water untill you get runn off. When the weight of the cup is alot lighter is when you want to water agian.

Speeking of watering I need to water mine befor I go to bed.:peace:

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
In the pic its magical at the top try getting a reflector above those lights. Makes a big difference.
Can't see any air vents either. They get weak and diseased without fresh air.



Been a few days but I'm back. Got pictures from days 9, 10, and 13.

Last week I did a lot of work.

Wednesday I drilled temporary holes for the fans (gonna cut full sized holes later with the electric jigsaw I borrowed yesterday) wired and added 4 cpu fans and hot glue gunned them to the sides of the crate. And I lined the crate with mylar (except for the lid of the crate becuas eI have to use the curtain still until I get the bigger holes for the fans. Still pretty hot so waiting on the third bulb.

Thursday I transplanted all three girls into 1.1qt planters with blackgold 2:1 with perlite. I watered recently but I had to wet the soil in the cups to keep it together for transplanting. So the girls look a little frumpy, but with the bigger containers of barely moist dirt I saw they picked up again. I planted them deeper so that they have a little more vertical room to grow.

On the sides of the containers I twisted in some cup hooks for when I LST the plants. All looks good at this point.

And at day 13 they look pretty strong and healthy, Xena is still the runt of the pack, but I'm hoping.


Thanks for coming through!My lights are 5500k for the 27 watt daylights, and I can't find the K rating for the 23 watt softlight

I am planning to LST just trying to get a good idea when I should start. Some posts say at 4 nodes, the others are less consistant. Any ideas?


Thanks! I just lined the whole box with mylar. I can see the difference. And I finally got my fans in, check out the new set up :)



Well-Known Member
nice grow man im subscribed .. how many lights are you using/gonna use for flowering....peace



nice grow man im subscribed .. how many lights are you using/gonna use for flowering....peace


Thanks for subscribing! I'm thinking of using at least 3x23watt cfl softlights (looking for some higher wattage softlights, but I got some time).


Well-Known Member
Very neat work on the fans.
Looks like there's still plenty of colour in the round leaves of Aphrodite and Roxy at day 13, so keep the lid on the nute bottle for now.
They can also get a little stunted with too much light at that stage so maybe move them down an inch or 2 for a few days. Move them closer when they begin to stretch.


Wsup People,

Got pictures from day 14 and 18.

Moved the plants down a bit to give them room to stretch and grow a little. (Thanks v12!)

Roxy is still the leader of the pack, Aphrodite second, and Xena holding up the end. She's looking a little better though from before.

There's a significant amount of leaf growth, not so much height, but hopefully I'll see some in the next week.

Any advice for how to switch from veg to flower? I read the light amounts should be gradually changed vs from 18/6 to 12/12 in one day.

I'm planning to let these veg between 4-6 weeks depending how tall they get.

And does it matter how far into flowering I start the LST training - since my plants are so short at the moment, I don't imagine them having enough height to LST by the time I switch to flower.

Here are the pictures :)



Well-Known Member
Very nice layout in pic 3. Plants look great. Last pic of Aphrodite shows perfect characteristics for a micro grow.
The stems will harden off soon so only the top inch or 2 of the plant is bendable. I would be starting the training fairly soon for this reason.
Gradual light changes don't seem to offer any advantages so you should be fine to just switch direct to 12/12 if you wish.


Sooo, something happened to Xena and I think it went over into flowering. I have to go look up now if I can tell if she is actually a she or not.

Here are some pictures.

Any advice would be awesome, becuase I didn't actively turn her to flowering (assuming that's whats happening.)


- v12, I'll start LST soon, just gonna do a little more research, any good articles to recommend for micro LST?

-420, how many 100w would you say I'd need if all three are girls? And wouldn't that give me issues with heat, since the containers so small? thanks!



Well-Known Member
Congratulations :)
Turns out your bagseed is an autoflowering strain. And one is a girl :)
The others look similar so expect news from them soon too.
When they flower that small and early they tend to stay under a foot tall. You could consider letting it grow as a single cola plant as you prolly have the room. If you want more colas then bend it soon & give those little sidebranches some light.


What's happenin guys.

So, I decided to LST today. Not sure if it's too soon or not, cuz they're barely tall enough to bend sideways, but I don't want the stems to get too hard. Soo...

Check out the pictures and let me know what you guys think.

I'm all paranoid becuase haven't done this before. I used cotton/polyblend string. Made a slip know around the stem and tied it off to the cup hooks I screwed around the lid.

Can I choke them?

Are they too bent?

I've done a ton of research but haven't seen anyone LST plants so small :(

And I finally got my lid in place and drilled my fan holes. The temp is crazy consistent between 73 & 74F think I can get away with it being that low?

Thanks, v12. I'm kind of excited just to know one is a girl. Do you think I'll lose her if I keep the lights 18/6 for the other plants??



Well-Known Member
Pic 4 is a good one. Did you repot your plants deeper in the soil?
Usually there's a bit more room between the soil and those first leaves. I tend to leave that bit straight and tie off just above those leaves, then bend the top node or 2, so it looks like maybe a number 7. This leaves some room for watering without soaking the leaves.
Temp is fine. Could maybe add another bulb even and aim for 78F. I use girls hair elastics for ties cos they will give if needed, but they don't grip and tear the leaves like rubber bands can.

Xena has to be an auto so it doesn't matter what light you give her. If the others are auto then maybe stick to 18/6, otherwise drop to 12/12 to trigger, but it's a fair guess the others are the same if they came from the same bag.


Yeah, I did plant them deeper when I transplanted, trying to get a little extra grow room.

So I took your advice and I moved the bottom tie above the clover/1st two fan leaves. It looks better, they're already starting to readjust and move back to the light.

I'm not actually sure f any of the seeds are related. I know two came from the same dub, but one is a loner.

Do you think I should wait longer before switching them to flowering (so that they can grow a little bigger)?

Thanks v12 for all your help! I really appreciate it!!