1st Time Grower


Active Member
ok, ive germinated, then put the seed into a clear 16oz plastic cup, I have the ligth about 3 inches away from the soil? (miracle grow soil). what would be my next step. How much do I water? when do I add fertilizer to it?? 12 hours of light? I heard that in the beginning stage, no darkness is needed?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Lower the light to 1" away. Drown the plant when you water. Make sure you have drain holes in your cups. Watch it for a few days and when the moisture is about gone water again every 2-5 days. Dont fertilize for the next week to two weeks. Start real light with the fertilizer until you see strong roots. Then use as directed for indoor plants. Keep the lights on 18-24 hrs.


Active Member
ok, ive germinated, then put the seed into a clear 16oz plastic cup, I have the ligth about 3 inches away from the soil? (miracle grow soil). what would be my next step. How much do I water? when do I add fertilizer to it?? 12 hours of light? I heard that in the beginning stage, no darkness is needed?
So how did it all turn out?