1st time grower here,using CFLs, and a tote for grow box, so any and all tips, Help..

whats going on new to site, started a little grow station out of some shit i had around the house, ( tote, tin foil, computer fans, aluminum heater duct, and cfl lights, old skool therm....) im running 4 26watt, cfl lights 18hrs on 6 off, im about 3weeks in i planted 3 seeds and there growing , just started a few more seeds, in a egg container, til they sprout then i transplant into small potters, everything seems ok for the time being i do want to get better grow area.,. IE> grow tent or something bigger than 19gal tote.. lined with tin foil.. but hey what the hell 1st time growing trial and error. makes perfect in the end... i have noticed the bigger of the 3 plants is getting almost like bleach stains on a few leafs, not sure what it is. i will try to get better picture but here is my little set up, i got going on,... soil im using is from home depot, its got fert in it self feeding for up to 8 months, seems to work okk

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Well-Known Member
looks good, got a fan on those ? the stems look a little thin but not bad for 3 weeks, careful using soil with nutrients/fertilizer for starting plants, seedlings are sensitive and need to be introduced to fertilizer with a 1/4 - half dose. that may be the cause of your leaf staining but i'm definately not the one to ask on that. lookin good though , for ....bagseed?


Well-Known Member
nice... lookin good! only advise I can give is separate those plants into individual containers... and make sure you have some good air movement... other then that have fun with it... learn your own way of doing things... thats what I am doing I am taking all the advise I can get and applying it to my own concepts. look through my thread you will see what I mean. cant wait to see these guys get bigger! shit cant wait to see my own get bigger haha.