1st time grow, plants dying

Drop bong

Active Member
Hi all,

i am currently growing 5x GHS bigbang, under 1x cfl and 2x t8's.

I have attempted to just keep things simple and try and work out any problems myself through research as i am using this a a learner/cheap crack at it. I am planning on getting a HID for my next grow and some nice nutes and growing medium. This time round i have used a potting soil (john inns -uk grower) and tomato food(livingtons i believe).

The plants have done great just leaving them really, no nutes for the first 5 weeks and then half strength a few times a week. All was good until i flipped the lights to 12/12. unfortunately 2 of the plants looked ill so i stopped feeding nutes and flushed these 2 plants as this looked like nute burn. however one of the plants(the bushiest) gave up and died about a week ago. i have now left it a week and the other ill one is now on the verge of dying and one of my healthy ones is showing the symptoms. They are all back on tom food as i dont think it was nute burn after all.


Browning leaf edges that eventually curl upwards or corkscrew then fall off.
New growth is really light green.
the 2 really ill plants have failed to switch to flowering stage.
lower leaves die and fall off.

I have Ph tested but i only have litmus paper and give back a 6-7ph level. my water is good at ph7 too.

Oh yeah the plants were vegged for 10weeks and are 3 1/2 weeks into flower.

PS i know my setup is crap and the nutes arent the best but as i said before this is a test and fully expect weak bud with a small yield but would like some !!!!

I have attached pictures and any help will be greatly appreciated



picture 1 & 2 is the really ill plant looks the same as the one that died
3 & 4 is one of the healthier ones with some leaf damage
5 & 6 are my best plant with no problems(apart from very dark leaves)
and 7 is my setup pre growing



Well-Known Member
do you have air movement/exchange in there? what are the temperatures at? ph levels are very important, the difference between drinking acid or coke.