1st time grow, funny story to it..**PICS**

First I want to apologize for the grammatical errors... Too lazy, sorry.
2ndly.. I want to state that both myself, and my mother are legally licensed to possess and grow medical marijuana for personal use by the state of california.

Ok, let me first introduce myself to these forums. Live in southern California, 23yrs o. Felt this might be interesting enough for someone out there. Anyways, I had first had my medical license (lived in Berkeley/sanfran area) when I was senior in college, but that had expired back in January of last year(renewed in October of this year). Anyways, I had overheard my mom a few times while she was talking with her sisters about weed. Funny as it seemed to me at the time, I had always thought my mom would be the last person I would think to have their medical license. One night I had come home from a night out with some friends, and came in stumbling at 2 am. I could just instantly smell weed. Eventually I had found my moms license + her stash, which I would pinch a nug here and there, replace my sac with some of hers, etc. Now my girlfriend is a huge stoner, far more than I am (used to be a complete stoner in high school, but now I only smoke up every now and then), and just gave me a seed one day.

Finally, at the end of summer (August), I came to the great idea, well, more so "F it, lets do it, and see what happens." I walked into the back yard, and looked for a good spot in my backyard, where I could just plant this sucker at a location that would get watered via the sprinklers and socal's beautiful weather. I remember checking on it a few times after about 4-5 days had gone by, and began to think it was not going to happen. Eventually, I came back about a week and a half after I had planted the seed, and to my amazement I saw something that instantly brought a smile to my face. I saw a tiny green leaf sticking out of the ground, just one, but beautifully looking green leaf.

To be honest, I had a feeling it would work, or at least grow something, but nothing what it is today. I let it grow for about 2 weeks, before finally i dug up the plant from the ground, and placed it in a good size pot with basic soil from lowes. The day I did this I had went out that night and got a little tipsy. Came home, went straight up into my moms room, and I kid you not, I said "hey mom, I just wanna let you know that I know you have your weed license, and I thought I'd let you know that I'm growing a plant in our backyard." She replied, "haha alright then." All i could think was, uhh yes.. Now for the good stuff..

Here is a little background information to this first grow of mine.
Time: August 23rd-Current (December as of now)
Location: So cal
Strain: No clue. If you read the story, I mention that my girlfriend gave me just a random seed. For now I'm going to call it "Mr. Nasty Time," until someone can correctly identify the correct strain.*Note that I would love to know the strain, along with the 2nd plant I have.
All I did to grow this plant was get a seed, place it in the ground. Moved it from the ground to a fresh pot, and basic soil. Watered it once or twice a day, depending on hot it was outside. Sunlight ran from sun up, until sun down. Everyday it was the same routine. I took care of this plant like it was my baby, but little effort ever went into this grow.

What I would like to know.

What I would like to know is the strain (if anyone can identify it), and if it is ready to be cured or if I should let it keep growing. Also, I would like to know what the best way to cure this. One more thing, by the looks of it this plant only got about an 1/8th to maybe a little more, but it also was to my knowledge 3 months late from when I started.
2nd to last I would like to know if I could cut off a clone from this plant, and how if possible. Finally, I would like to know if this plant keeps on growing after I cut it.

Here is the Link to the pics (see below). Let me try and embed them in, if not, follow the link to the album, and I'm not sure if you have to organize it for yourself or not, but you should sort by oldest.

Sorry guys, but I think you have to start from the last image and work backwards for some reason! Enjoy!



thats a nice looking plant. the cold weather at night prolly made it purple but it looks good to me.


Active Member
oh and its no where near ready give it about 4 more weeks. it looks a lil small, but nice tho:lol:

Jonny K

Active Member
Too bad you did'nt start it a couple months earlier. Would have been awesome. So wheres the funny story?


Active Member
the funny story is about his mom smoking and having her license and him being drunk telling her he knows lol . get with the program.


Well-Known Member
That plant is outdoors so I am guessing the cold is what turnt the plant purple like that. And yes you can clone a budding plant. I just read something really interesting about that today. Wish I could remember where I read it to give you the link. Some people prefer to clone from budding plants. I personally have not done it. Just because I never had the need to. As for what strain that is. Its almost impossible to tell what plant a strain is just by looking at it.


Well-Known Member
You have a while left to go watch the trichomes that is what will tell you. As for curing go to the harvest and curing forums and you will find all the info you will ever need. I usually don't like just sending people to a forum but it is a long story and the threads there are more than adequate to explain it from cut to smoke. Good luck, and I thought it was a funny enough story don't let it get ya down imo that's one thing that is Fucking this site up is no one has a sense of humor anymore.


New Member
She is very pretty, nicely done. I would suggest a lot of reading and studying before starting next year. If you and your mom both have cards I am sure you can plant a lot more seeds than 1. After you dry and cure you will maybe get a few bowls from her. Buds will loose 70-80% of their weight when dried and cured. Good luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming!