1st time collecting pollen sacs- want to make sure I have this right


Active Member
Planning on harvesting the pollen sacs from a male to do a seed run. I saw a few faq's but I'm still not 100% on things.

Are the male pollen sacs ready to be removed when they start to hang down or do I need to wait for something else?

One of the faq's was talking about waiting to see how big they get right before they are ready to open. I wanted to try and harvest them before any actually open.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about BEFORE they open. Heres how I've always done it. I separate the male from the females and wait until the male flowers open. I then pick off some male flowers and rub them on one flowering branch on a female.


Well-Known Member
Ya can pluck one off that is just about to open. Open it and take a qtip dip it in the pollen and apply to bud.
Keep in mind a 2 inch long bud will produce like 30 seeds.