1st time AACT brew - Will This Recipe Work?


I've been reading up on the AACT subject for awhile. A lot of the recipes contain a fair number of ingredients. I was considering using the following ingredients at hand for use in flowering.

5 gal bait bucket
bloom guano 0-9-0
Unsulfered blackstrap molasses
worm castings 1-0-0

I know the BS molasses contains a lot of K, but don't know if it's an available form. Hence no other ingredient on the list contains K at the moment.

1) So would that be sufficient with the K from the molasses and little bit of N from castings, Or would I need to add something else more balanced that includes N and K also?

2) I also have Dr. Earth guano 10-3-1. And was curious if that could be added, BUT in a much smaller amount than the bloom 0-9-0 guano, for a bit of extra N and a touch of K? Something like 1 part 10-3-1 to 3 parts 0-9-0. Assuming fert ratio math works as I think it does, that would produce an overall guano nute ratio of 2.5 - 7.5 - 0.25 (still low on K so the question of K in molasses is still pertinent in this case too I guess)


Well-Known Member
Right. I think teas are awesome, research the hell out of what a plant needs then brew up some swamp water.