1st PC Grow


Active Member

ok here i have what i would like to do. on the bottom right it is a 120 mm intake fan or it could be an 80 mm that i also have. on the top right would be a 120 mm exhaust fan. the blue strip would heat a plastic heat shield that i would seal air tight with 4 26w 6500k for veg then gradually switched out to 3 42w 2700k with a 26w 6500k to even out spectrum. then on the top right an intake and on the top left an exhaust(i dont know what size fanse i should put there) to extract the heat from the lights.


...i would do it this way. the bottom portion would have the same intake and outtake, but the diffrence would be to have probably 1/2-1 in gaps on each end of the heat shield to let the air raise up to the top with a 120mm exhaust at the top of the case to extract the heat from the lights. I was also thinking of ditching the intake fan and putting a couple of 1 in holes at the bottom of the case and raise the case a little to have a passive intake like in a NGB cab style ventilation. The only issue i have with this is if the concept would work, and also on the carbon scrubber i want to put. Would i have to put a scrubber on both exhausts, cause if i only put it in one of them im afraid the smell would come out of the other exhaust??

If u have any questions or just dont get my babnling please let me know. any input is helpful thank you my fellow growers! i am excited on joining the PC growers family, and hope to gain and share the knowledge of growing!!

-stay up!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I wasn't completely clear on the layout choice, but I think your question was it better to pull air through your lights or to pull through the lower part of the chassis? In my opinion if you pull the air over the lights/ballasts, the air going out the exhaust will be warmer. Warmer exhaust air = cooler inside. I think you will find in other grow room setups where cooling the lights has been done with good results. I'm not experienced with PC grows, but I am doing a micro grow. So far, I've been able to keep the temps down to the low 80's with a single 80 mm fan. Only 78 watts in cfl's, so that is the trade off I've made.
