ar ok, using a 12inch rvkL1 but im using an adjacent room as a buffer rather then sending it directly out of the window or vent its not perfect thoe gets very humid sometimes, i wanna ask you about nutes as its something iv still not nailed down can never make my mind up and always change every grow i was gunna use canna a+b, canna boost, pk13/14, a.n. carbo load, rox and a.n. overdrive but iv got a bottle of a.n.big bud and could go an buy other nutes if needed id prefere to use up wot iv got but.. i dunno rly, my harvest are never rly massive and the weed is never rly rly strong but iv been told its "the tastiest bud" theyv ever smoked im sik of being a bit dissapointed at harvest with the amount iv got once its dried and reduced thats y ima use rox this time, wot would you do ??